Welcome to the latest ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’, the opportunity to share something in the world of Pop Culture (usually, but not exclusively RPG-related). This week’s choice is well, choices actually ….three of them. They each falls well and truly within of the RPG universe and will shortly be on my own ’to buy’ list on the DriveThruRPG links below.
And while the ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’ may not be; a) The most prestigious award in the TTRPG community, or b) A snappy, concise award title – well, it will be something we take rather seriously at 5DHQ as we fastidiously wade through the plethora of weekly releases.
And while there may be no review, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the winner has our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.
Take a look at three of the latest RPG print releases that have caught our eye here at the 5D Pop Culture Website. If there are any that we haven’t included that you feel deserve a shout-out, then let us know in the comment section below.
Ars Mechanica – The Labyrinth of Brass
Ars Mechanica: The Labyrinth of Brass is an homebrew 5E supplement that is perfect for all you adventurous tinkerers and clockwork enthusiasts!
Get ready to dive into a world of gears and gizmos, where you and your party (ideal for 4-6 players starting on level 1) will embark on an incredible journey filled with mechanical marvels, awe-inspiring automatons, and a labyrinth of epic proportions!
Ars Mechanica is jam-packed with rich lore, intriguing NPCs, and captivating backstories that will immerse you in the world of brass and gears. Plus, the book’s stunning illustrations for steampunk lovers!
So, buckle up, gearheads! It’s time to wind your way through the twisting passages of “Ars Mechanica: The Labyrinth of Brass” – a riveting 5E supplement that promises to deliver hours of fun, laughter, and good old-fashioned ingenuity. Don’t miss out on this fantastic addition to your collection, perfect for both seasoned players and newcomers alike!
Order your copy now and let the mechanical mayhem begin!
Ars Mechanica – The Labyrinth of Brass is available in PDF & Print here at DriveThruRPG
W20 The Apocalyptic Record
Allow me to tell you the tale of the werewolf who went rushing into battle without heeding the advice of their sept Elders.
Oh, wait. I can’t. That werewolf died and left no tales behind to tell.
Instead, let me tell you the tale of the werewolf who remained in his camp, chronicling stories of other werewolves’ great deeds.
Oh, I can’t do that either. That Garou achieved nothing beyond scratchings on bark.
Very well, I’ll tell you a better tale. A tale of hundreds of Garou, who fought, clawed, sang, howled, triumphed, despaired, and faced the Apocalypse head on.
Yes. That will be a better tale. We’ll call it the Apocalyptic Record.
The Apocalyptic Record includes:
- Five chapters of in-character accounts, reports, songs, and tales from the heart of the Garou Nation, covering stories of grief and joy, battle and peace, spirits and kin.
- Story hooks in every chapter to make the content within the immediately usable at the gaming table.
- A chapter dedicated to the Werewolf: The Apocalypse metaplot, and how to utilize it in your stories.
W20 The Apocalyptic Record is available in PDF & Print here at DriveThruRPG
Unearthed Spoils Special Edition – In The Shadows (5e)
Add a Thieves’ Guild to your D&D campaign!
Unearthed Spoils Special Edition – In The Shadows contains the following content:
- OVERVIEW – Let’s make a deal! Learn about Thieves’ Guilds, and what it takes to join their ranks.
- THE SEEDY UNDERBELLY – Organize a Thieves’ Guild in your campaign with these expansive rules.
- ROGUISH ARCHETYPES – These five subclasses are sure to skulk their way into your campaign. Introducing the Ambuscade, Grave Robber, Shadow Walker, Toxicant, and Twilight Blade.
- SHIFTY BACKGROUNDS – Two character backgrounds that know their way around the parlay table.
- CONTRABAND MAGIC ITEMS – Don’t ask where these items came from —you really don’t want to know.
- CONNIVING NPCS – Thieves’ Guilds are made up of only the most reputable individuals. Just kidding —use these scheming non-player characters to expand your guild.
- THE NIGHTBLADES – A complete Thieves’ Guild, ready to be integrated seamlessly into your campaign with 25 named NPCs.
- URBAN ENCOUNTERS – Six ready-made encounters that can easily be dropped into any urban setting with minimal preparation.
- 7th-LEVEL ADVENTURE – A pilfering adventure suitable for four to six players of 7th level. Will your players be able to navigate the City of Thieves?
Each volume of Unearthed Spoils is packed with full-color art illustrating different types of 5e compatible content surrounding a central theme: Magical Spells, Backgrounds & Ancestries, Classes & Archetypes, Monsters & NPCs, Magic Items; each brought together in an epic Adventure.
Unearthed Spoils Special Edition – In The Shadows (5e) is available in PDF & Print here at DriveThruRPG