A Keeper’s Comfort


Full Disclosure: Nor I, or anyone else affiliated with the 5D Pop Culture Website have received any free content, payment or other forms of renumeration from the creators of the subject of this press release. No promises were made of financial remuneration, free gifts or holidays in the sunny Bahamas in exchange for our inclusion…….sadly. We do have affiliate status with DriveThruRPG, & so any clicks towards them generate a smaller % towards keeping this website running. There is no added cost to any purchase.
The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..


Banner: The best cosmic horror & Cthulhu Mythos @ DriveThruRPG.com


Fifteen years is a very long time, a lot can happen, especially alone…

Harry Kincaid and Thomas Wolmont may be America’s best lighthouse keepers, manning the most remote light in the US for the last 15 years, only one problem, no one knows where they are. Take the role of United States Lighthouse Service Inspectors, arriving at Keel Island and attempting to piece together the lives of these men.


A Keeper’s Comfort is a 1920s-era Call of Cthulhu scenario designed to be run in one session for two to six players, inspired by Robert Eggers’ “The Lighthouse”, the scenario includes:

A fully realized island

High-resolution maps

10 Unique investigator character sheets 

10 pages of hand-written handouts

Unique monster and NPC art

Never before seen monsters

Carefully researched for full historical accuracy




Are you able to discover the secrets of Keel Island, should you?


A Keeper’s Comfort is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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