With a remastered edition, r/Pathfinder2e hosts Beginner Box Days for new players to try Pathfinder for free this week.
WORLDWIDE, April 10, 2024 – If you’ve ever wanted to try Pathfinder Second Edition but had trouble finding a game, there is hope. Beginner Box Days is a week of gaming using Paizo’s Beginner Box for Pathfinder Second Edition.

Starting on April 13, 2024, new players can try out Pathfinder Remastered for free as experienced gamemasters guide them through two levels of monsters, traps, and puzzles. Players can delve through the dungeon using a provided pregenerated character, or create their own. The box is designed to slowly introduce players to core game concepts, increasing in complexity and difficulty until they reach a climactic final menace. The event is tailored to connect players all across the world and give them an opportunity to try out the award winning system until April 21.
This is the third annual event aimed at bringing new players to the TTRPG hobby. The first Beginner Box Day in 2022 was a huge success, followed in 2023 by the first week-long expansion. Both events boasted over 300 players and 60 gamemasters running dozens of tables of the starter adventure: Menace Under Otari. The first event also coincided with the release of Paizo’s deluxe Foundry VTT module release, and a generous donation enabled every GM to secure a free copy of it.

“Last year, the Beginner Box sold out worldwide, but thanks to our event, players were still able to experience it,” said lead organizer and r/Pathfinder2e mod Pete Zupan. “Pathfinder was remastered for its new license, and this year we’ll be focused on helping players learn that edition of the game under the moniker: Age of the ORC.”
Paizo, makers of the award winning Pathfinder and Starfinder tabletop roleplaying games, have begun releasing reworked versions of their materials under the Open RPG Creative license (“ORC License”). Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core have released, debuting the new version, and Player Core 2 will launch this summer with new player options. The Beginner Box is available in physical and digital versions, including several virtual tabletop options.
“The Pathfinder Beginner Box is the best way to get started playing Pathfinder, and Beginner Box Days are a wonderful way for the community to come together and start new adventures!” Rue, Marketing and Media Specialist at Paizo, said regarding the event, “We appreciate the time, energy, and love put into this event by the community, and are excited to see it continue.”
The event is currently open for player registration with over 130 available games over the week. Companies like Roll20, Demiplane, and Foundry VTT have helped support the event with prizes players can win through raffle, discounts, and supplying gamemasters with free materials. All players who participate will also earn credits to apply to their first Pathfinder Society character, a worldwide form of play through Paizo Organized Play that connects players through conferences and local games.
Players can find a game, or game masters can register a table at beginpf2.com, or join the Discord at discord.gg/pathfinder2e
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