ALIEN: Heart of Darkness – News & images of the upcoming release.




The company found a new lifeform, and they want you to study it. Fairly routine stuff.
Did I mention the money? There’s a lot of it. Seems too good to be true? 
Of course it is.


Heart of Darkness, the upcoming Cinematic scenario for the multiple award-winning ALIEN The Roleplaying game.


Space is vast, dark, and not your friend. Try to scream and no one can hear you—hold your breath and you rupture your lungs. And there are things lurking in the shadows—things strange and different and deadly. Things alien. The multiple award-winning official ALIEN – The roleplaying game offers a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship.
It is a harsh and unforgiving universe, and you are nothing if not expendable.
Stay alive if you can.


The official ALIEN roleplaying game core rulebook was released in 2019 by Free League Publishing in partnership with 20th Century Studios. The game immediately sold out its first print run and swiftly entered the Top-5 list of best-selling tabletop roleplaying games in the fall of 2019. It won the ENNIE Award for Best Game 2020 and the People’s Choice Award for Best RPG at the UK Game Expo.



Just in case you haven’t seen it…here’s the original trailer


About ALIEN: Heart of Darkness

The company found a new lifeform, and they want you to study it. Their offer’s uncharacteristically generous—you catalog this organism, determine how they can use it, and bring it back so they can slap their patent on it. Fairly routine stuff. In exchange, they’ll hook you up with a cushy corporate department head position, secure you a book deal, and make sure the institute of your choice gives you tenure.
Did I mention the money? There’s a lot of it. Simple survey, sample, and analysis job. Seemed too good to be true. 
Of course it is.


Heart of Darkness is a complete Cinematic Scenario for ALIEN The Roleplaying Game, written by sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. It is a stand-alone adventure, but also serves as a conclusion to the Draconis Strain Saga begun in the cinematic scenario Chariot of the Gods and continued in Destroyer of Worlds.
The scenario is designed for 3–5 players plus the Game Mother.



Check out the image gallery


To find out more about ALIEN: Heart of Darkness go to their website at

To find out more about Free League Publishing go to their website at


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