Black God’s Kiss RPG – The Kickstarter campaign from Blazing Worlds


Here at 5DHQ we’re delighted to announce that we’ll be working with the good people at Blazing Worlds to talk about some of their latest as well as upcoming products. So I hear you ask “just who are Blazing Worlds?”…… well let them tell you themselves……


In the eternal present of our mundane lives, the future stretches out before us as an infinite darkness, a mystery unravelled only in real time. Nonetheless, our human imagination provides us with a way to light a path through that darkness. In games we find a way to collectively dream into this expansive void of the unknown, like a sonar pinging back potentialities.
As an engine for fantastic visions of unachievable wonders and terrifying catastrophes, Blazing Worlds brings together some of today’s most exciting artists, authors, and scholars to generate visionary new content for your tabletop gaming adventures. An artist-owned collaborative named after The Blazing World, a 17th-century novel of utopian proto-speculative fiction by Margaret Cavendish, we are publishing original content in concise, collectable, compellingly designed TTRPG books and materials across digital and physical platforms. Whether through new monsters, new maps, new equipment, new character options, new worlds, or entirely new systems, Blazing Worlds provides exciting and thoughtful writing paired with brilliant illustrations that develop innovative visions for the worlds you create and inhabit.


Blazing Worlds latest venture is an exciting Kickstarter campaign for Black God’s Kiss, an RPG that certainly has this nerd excited… much so that once it’s available I want, want, want it!………..





Black God’s Kiss is a perilous setting playable as an RPG module compatible with both 5e and OSE, or as a standalone microgame for two players. Based on the fantasy fiction of C.L. Moore, who stands as one of the great sword & sorcery and weird tale authors of the 1930s, the box set contains everything you need to delve into the star-lit realm of the Black God—explore forbidden ruins, encounter wretched creatures, and retrieve a weapon of dreadful power … the Black God’s Kiss!


Undertaking an expedition in this pocket dimension will tax your body, your mind, and threaten the very nature of your soul. To survive, you must carefully make choices—managing your own humanity as a limited resource which diminishes by the hour. To succeed, you must not only confront the Black God, but the darkest recesses of your own shadow self.


Although C.L. Moore is often overshadowed by those ubiquitous names of the genre—Lovecraft, Howard, Merritt, and Lieber—Moore proved to not only be one of the most prolific fantasy writers of her generation, but a stylist of the highest form. She also gave us sword & sorcery’s first female protagonist: Jirel of Joiry.

Inexplicably missing from Gary Gygax’s original “Appendix N: Inspirational and Educational Reading” found in the first edition of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the exclusion is corrected in the 1980 Basic Set’s own “Inspirational Source Material.” She is again forgotten by the authors of the 5th edition. While Moore was presented with a number of awards during her later life and posthumously, too little has been done to celebrate her work.


“The Black God’s Kiss” introduces us to Jirel, who is no mere bikini-armored barbarian, but a warrior of her faith, willing to give up her soul to save her kingdom. She must travel to the depths of a hellish dimension to accept an accursed boon from a dark god.
Now you can follow Jirel’s footsteps into a world of amphibious grotesqueries, nightmarish geometries, lakes of uncanny beauty, mysterious temples, and the terrible “squatting thing” that wants your humanity in exchange for a kiss.


The Kickstarter has already met it’s initial target and is fast approaching the stretch goals with some incredible opportunities and goodies.

The Kickstarter page for Black God’s Kiss can be found RIGHT HERE.
