Burn with Alan Cumming at His Majesty’s Theatre, Aberdeen


A review from 5D Music & Theatre writer Maria Robertson


The National Theatre of Scotland is behind this “solo dance-theatre piece created by Alan Cumming and Steven Hoggett”.  I knew it was “just” Alan on stage and that it was about the life of our great Scottish bard Robert Burns but was not really sure what to expect.  Gasps and exclamations of “its raining” as people walked into the theatre were the start of the wonderment of the show as it really looked like it was on stage.


It was certainly quite an experience, totally thought provoking and an absolute rollercoaster of emotions.  The hour long show follows the life of Burns with Alan Cumming telling and acting out, through the medium of dance, his story.  The production was fantastic, there was a big screen across the back of the stage with pictures of the farms he grew up on and the years clicked past as the story moved on.


There were magic tricks too, for example when he sat at his big writing desk, opened a massive tome, picked a feathery quill and started writing with it.  He then walked away from the desk, and it kept scribbling against the page as he moved about the stage away from it.




Burns is well known for having…known a few ladies throughout his life and I wondered how these would be acted out.  They were each represented by a shoe suspended from above, so Alan would hold one and recite a poem, and then move onto the next one.  It was pleasing, both visually and as a representation of ladies, as I know I’m not the only one rather attached to my shoe collection!
Jean Armour, his wife, was a different looking shoe and there was a lovely scene where he danced out having their vast brood of children with her.
Their silhouettes and names came up on the back screen as he danced through holding them and nurturing them, unfortunately Elizabeth’s name then rose up and his arms followed in distress, as she did not have a very long life.


I do feel you need some knowledge of the life of Burns to fully benefit from this amazing show, but I would certainly hope that most people in Scotland would have that, almost by default.  He is of course one of our most famous names!  I realise not everyone responds to such interpretive dance, but Anna Meredith’s music is mesmerising in itself and I really do think that if you have the chance to experience this show you should.


Further information including upcoming dates: Burn | National Theatre of Scotland (nationaltheatrescotland.com)


Maria Robertson is the Chief Music & Theatre Writer for the 5D Pop Culture Website and provides reviews & coverage of local Aberdeen music & theatre gigs. She’s an experienced writer for numerous sources and is a self-confessed live gig addict ever since seeing The Counting Crows at the Barrowlands in 1994.


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