Welcome to the latest ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’, the opportunity to share something in the world of Pop Culture (usually, but not exclusively RPG-related). This week’s choice falls well and truly within of the RPG universe and will shortly be on my own ’to buy’ list on the DriveThrRPG link below.
And while the ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’ may not be; a) The most prestigious award in the TTRPG community, or b) A snappy, concise award title – well, it will be something we take rather seriously at 5DHQ as we fastidiously wade through the plethora of weekly releases.
And while there may be no review in this case, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the winner has our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
A Drop of Nelson’s Blood

October 1815: it is 10 years since Lord Nelson fell at the Battle of Trafalgar, and a celebratory dinner is being hosted by Vice-Admiral Sir James Bell to commemorate this anniversary. The investigators, along with a small group of dignitaries, are invited to the administrative heart of the Royal Navy for what promises to be a memorable evening. Those gathered all harbour dark secrets, and something is out for their blood. A Drop of Nelson’s Blood is a Regency who-dunnit with a mythos twist, taking inspiration from the 19th Century sea shanty of the same name. With great roleplaying potential and lots of intrigue, this is a good gateway scenario for keepers and players who have not played in the Regency era before.
Forbidden Seas and Perilous Coasts

An In Strange Seas adventure for Regency Cthulhu. The crew of the HMS Reliable take a few days of rest to explore the Pura Vida islands, an archipelago known for their unique flora and fauna but encounter something far more otherworldly than they could have ever predicted. Including that someone has been to this island before. This scenario is designed to last for a short evening or as an interesting interlude for an In Strange Seas campaign. Contains 6 pregens for In Strange Seas adventures, as well as art by Evlyn Moreau and Angel Jones….

In Strange Seas: Horror in the Royal Navy for Regency Cthulhu

The Royal Navy meets the Mythos! In the Regency Era, the Royal Navy is all that stands between England and the imperial designs of Napoleon. Now, the sailors must also stand against the horrors of threats beyond all understanding! Can your investigators survive in the dangerous wooden world of a King’s ship? And if they do, will their reputations survive intact? What Do You Get? In Strange Seas provides a full 30-page setting guide for the world of the Royal Navy in Regency Cthulhu. In this guide, you get: Details about society and daily life at sea Tips for running naval combat, with a player-facing cheat sheet! Customized investigator creation, including Navy-specific occupations and backstory tables.
The Pursuit

It is 1808 in the midst of Napoleon’s War. The HMS Plantagenet, a warship in the service of the British Navy, has been surprised by a larger, more heavily armed French ship in the mid-Atlantic. The Plantagenet, suffering from significant damage, now finds itself fleeing a superior opponent, even while strange and awful events unfold onboard. The Pursuit is a Regency Cthulhu scenario for up to six players portraying characters from His Majesty’s navy.
Time’s Prisoners: A Regency Cthulhu Adventure on the High Seas

Time’s Prisoners A Regency Cthulhu Adventure for up to 6 players Part of the In Strange Seas collection of adventures Playable in 1-2 sessions. In 1816, the HMS Harrier sails for Saint Helena where Napoleon, the former Emperor of France, was exiled last year. Few of the Harrier’s passengers are entirely what they seem. Some conceal past scandals. Others carry secrets that endanger the ship. Enroute the HMS Harrier stumbles into a hole in time: an ancient prison holding ancient horrors. Will the heroes find their way home? Or will they die prisoners of time. This detailed, easy to run adventure includes: Detailed information on the ships and intertemporal prison Seven pregenerated Pulp Cthulhu investigators Handouts An optional side quest to expand the adventure …
[Call of Cthulhu] In Strange Seas: Scenario Bundle! [BUNDLE] is available at DriveThruRPG