Comic Con Scotland Aberdeen 2023 AfterParty Announcement!





We are delighted to announce Slains Castle as the venue for our Comic Con Scotland North East afterparty in 2023 on the Saturday night. It will be a Harry Potter theme (not essential), with Harry Potter themed bar. The interior of this place looks like Hogwarts and is a magical setting for an afterparty. Themed cocktails and drinks including butterbeer, DJ playing the greatest hits of pop culture, and fully accessible for wheelchair users. You never know, you may see a Harry Potter guest on the dancefloor!

Make it a magical weekend!


Afterparty tickets are on sale now:-





Source: Comic Con Scotland. 

Andy Kleek and the Monopoly Events team are proud to bring you Comic Con Scotland NE!


The very first Comic Con Scotland NE took place in the spring of 2022 and we knocked it out of the park with an event to remember for comic, tv, and film culture fans across the globe as we brought you a phenomenal guest line-up including Harry Potter star Mark Williams,  Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones star John Rhys-Davies, The Walking Dead and GTA star Steven Ogg, Robocop himself Peter Weller, Wrestling Superstars Booker T, and Grado, Child’s Play star Alex Vincent, Back to the Future star Claudia Wells, Flight of the Navigator star Joey Cramer, Game of Thrones star Clive Russell, the Star Wars/Harry Potter legend that is Warwick Davis and his family daughter Annabelle and son Harrison, Still Game stars Paul Riley, Sanjeev Kohli, Gavin Mitchell, and Jane McCarry, voice acting superstars J. Michael Tatum, Brandon McInnis, Emily Neves, Jad Saxton, and Lewis MacLeod. Star Wars legends Tim Rose, Paul Blake, Mike Quinn, and Angus MacInnes, and finally UK Gladiator legends Diane ‘Jet’ Youdale, James ‘Hunter’ Crossley, Helen ‘Panther’ O’Reilly, Michael ‘Cobra’ Wilson, and Suzanne ‘Vogue’ Cox!


A guest line-up that was truly unimaginable – and as always – it’s all by the fans for the fans.


Our next event takes place at ​ P&J Live in Aberdeen over the weekend of 18-19 March 2023, get your tickets right here and watch out for our awesome  guest announcements!


Don’t miss out on our next amazing convention! Get your tickets now by heading to our ALL TICKETS page where you can find details of our standard entry ticket, diamond pass tickets and more!
