Following the DC FanDome announcement by Milestone co-founder Denys Cowan and producer/writer/co-owner Reggie Hudlin, DC and Milestone Media today announced new details on their groundbreaking anthology, Milestones In History.
Debuting in comic book shops and participating digital platforms on Tuesday, June 14 (just in time for Juneteenth), this 96-page non-fiction one-shot spotlights real world icons from Black history across the ages. These stories will combine well-known comic book artists with writers from the fields of entertainment, literature, and social activism. The anthology embraces the Milestone universe with these stories being told through the eyes of the heroes of Dakota.
“Denys and I have been wanting to do a book like Milestones in History for a long time,” said Hudlin. “Some of our favorite comic books have been about the real-life superheroes of the Black community throughout history, and with all of the amazing writers, artists, and scholars we know, we knew we could create a book that would be history making in itself.”
Featured history-making subjects and storytellers for Milestones In History include:
Russian Poet and novelist Alexander Pushkin, written by New York Times bestselling author Alice Randall, with art by Don Hudson, José Marzan Jr., and Andrew Dalhouse
Carthaginian general and statesman Hannibal Barca, by award-winning writer Steven Barnes, with art by Ron Wilson and Mike Gustovich
Musical icon Prince, written by journalist and culture critic Touré and art by Ray Anthony-Height
The Three Musketeers author Alexandre Dumas, by bestselling author and pioneer of Black Horror fiction Tananarive Due, with art by Jamal Igle and Chris Sotomayor

Eugene Bullard, the first Black American military pilot, by Pat Charles and Arvell Jones
Black American female pilot Bessie Coleman and astronaut Mae Jemison, written by Melody Cooper, with art by Domo Stanton and Emilio Lopez
Dancer, educator, and social activist Katherine Dunham, by actor and author Karyn Parsons (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
“Lucy,” the early hominid fossil (Australopithecus) discovered in Africa by Donald Johanson, Mary Leakey, and Yves Coppens, written by Alice Randall
More than just an anthology, Milestone In History also serves as a springboard into the next phase of this new iteration of the Dakotaverse; the book features an ending that will serve as the catalyst for the first big “event” in Milestone, something most fans will never see coming.
For the latest information on the heroes of Milestone, visit the DC website at www.dccomics.com and follow @DCComics and @thedcnation on social media. The DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Digital Subscription service features issues of classic Milestone comics, as well as some of the Season One issues of Static, Hardware, and Icon and Rocket. To sign up for a free trial, visit the website at www.dcuniverseinfinite.com.
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