Dragonslayer Role-Playing Game


Heaken back to the Golden Age of Role-playing Games!


Journey into a realm of myth and magic, where ancient legends and terrifying monsters come to life, and adventure awaits…


Inspired by the timeles role-playing tradition of the 1980s, this ruleset seamlessly integrates the simplicity of B/X with the chrome of First Edition. The book includes every you need: races, classes spell, monsters, and treasure, combined in a single volume.


The book includes cover art by Jeff Easley and interior art by Darlene, Diesel, Kennon James, Peter Pagano, and many others.

Welcome to Dragonslayer!



Dragonslayer Role-Playing Game is available now here at DriveThruRPG


Banner: Welcome to the Wasteland! Fallout the Roleplaying Game from Modiphius Entertainment available @ DriveThruRPG.com


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Full Disclosure: Nor I, or anyone else affiliated with the 5D Pop Culture Website have received any free content, payment or other forms of renumeration from the creators of the subject of this press release. No promises were made of financial remuneration, free gifts or holidays in the sunny Bahamas in exchange for our inclusion…….sadly. We do have affiliate status with DriveThruRPG, so any clicks towards them generate a smaller % towards keeping this website running. There is no added cost to any purchase. The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..
