While it’s genuinely not our intention to do so, it could be that we upset a fair number of people today as your hosts look at two behemothic (is that really a word?) releases this week. Because ladies and gentlemen! In the red corner we have the highly anticipated (and that’s an understatement!) release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League……. And in the Blue corner we have the 2nd new Marvel TV series appearing on Disney +, The Falcon and the winter soldier.
Oh, and about ‘the upsetting people thing’……well yeah, we kind of really, really, really disliked one of them. A lot!
In the 5DNEWS section today there’s a bit of a Machine Gun Kelly vibe going on as news about his planned graphic novel, Hotel Diablo’ emerges as well as news about Mgk (as we kids on the street refer to him) groups up with game content creation for new music. There’s also a quick mention about some leaked titbits about the forthcoming S10 of American Horror Story.
Also in the news there’s another addition to the Leeds United celeb watch as a bone ride boxing legend publishes a pic while wearing the famous white shirt. There’s also more LUFC news relating to another icon passing with the announcement yesterday that Peter Lorimer had died at the age of 74.
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