A review from 5D Music & Theatre writer Maria Robertson
This rock band from Glasgow has a new album out so is touring some HMV stores ahead of The Calton Songs Tour 2022 later in the year. After a 15 year hiatus they maybe feel they need to reconnect with their fans, although the pandemic put a stop on so many things that I think we are all just keen to get back to normal life and a Gun gig seems pretty essential!
The set list was: Backstreet Brothers, Money (Everybody Loves Her), a singalong to their first single Better Days, Steal Your Fire and then Shame On You. It was maybe supposed to be longer but unfortunately, they were late arriving and so had limited time. Their fans waited patiently, only for them to be about 4 lines into the first song when Jools had a guitar string ping! Dante had been looking for guitar strap so, whilst the bass player restrung Jools’ guitar, a member of the audience popped to a nearby guitar shop for a strap for Dante. Soon we were good to go again and the guys were well worth waiting for! We sang, we whooped, we head bopped, we clapped and we loved them.
After the songs were done, a table was put in front of them and the crowd shown where to queue up to get their copies of Calton Songs signed and grab a selfie with the band.

This is the third live event I’ve been to in our local HMV and I’d love to see more, it is a great way to get closer to the music. Also if you have a young music fan, such as my son who’s about to do his Grade 3 guitar exam, sometimes it is the only way they can see them as many venues have age restrictions.
Gun: https://www.gunofficial.co.uk/
Gun back to Aberdeen in December: https://www.aberdeenperformingarts.com/whats-on/gun/
hmvLive events: https://hmv.com/live?sort=date%20asc&eventType=&searchLocation=&quantity=12&page=1
Maria Robertson is the Chief Music & Theatre Writer for the 5D Pop Culture Website and provides reviews & coverage of local Aberdeen music & theatre gigs. She’s an experienced writer for numerous sources and is a self-confessed live gig addict ever since seeing The Counting Crows at the Barrowlands in 1994.
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