A review from 5D Music & Theatre writer Maria Robertson.
Following on from our recent piece on local band Hitlist we now are chatting to The Sun Day about their new song. I was lucky enough to see both bands support Skylights recently in the Beach Ballroom, so its great to get this opportunity to get to know them. They will both grace the stage at OGV Podium on the 8th December along with Audiokicks and Stonechild.
Comprised of frontman Connor Ritchie on vocals and rhythm guitar, Luke Doyle on lead guitar, Aidan Forret on bass and Craig Spink on drums, this young band from Aberdeenshire see themselves as a “glowing collective pioneering new things in indie-rock”.

Their new song 218, for which I love the bus graphic, is well worth a listen. Their explanation of 218 “I think it’s equally about contempt and dependence on someone or something. It’s quite erratic like that, and I think you hear it in the riff as well. That back and forth of wanting to explode but at the same time, being terrified and wanting to shrink back into yourself and not face whatever it is you need to. I suppose I wrote it trying to capture two feelings at once.”
What’s the reason behind your band name, The Sun Day?
If we’re being honest there isn’t really a reason behind the name! We kinda just picked it out of a batch of bad names as it was the best one. We kinda like to think that we’re called The Sun Day because our music could maybe shine a bit of light into someone’s life.

How did you guys meet? Who are the band’s main influences, what’s on your playlists?
So me (Ritchie), our guitarist, Luke, and our bassist, Aidan, all went to academy together in Alford and have been good friends since. Me and Luke were the first two to start jamming together and writing songs. Back then we had a different bassist and drummer in the early days, who both went on to do their own respective things. Once we left school and went to college we met Craig and things sorta just clicked with him and around the same time Aidan joined the band too.
As for influences it’s quite hard to pin down the main ones, as we all listen to such a wide array of music. I know in the early days me and Luke were both heavily influenced by Oasis, but nowadays not so much. We also quite like to keep our influences on the down low as we want people to hear us for us and not try to compare us to anything that’s come before.
You recently played supported Skylights at the Ballroom, which was an ace night. You’ve got the OGV gig coming up, so what will be next on the band bucket list?
Beach Ballroom was a massive milestone for us as it was like the biggest crowd we’ve ever played too which was so sick. As for other things on the bucket list, we’d love to play some of the historic venues in Glasgow like King Tuts and Barrowlands. We’d love to support some of the bigger bands that are doing amazing right now in the Scottish scene like Gallus and Deadpony.

Both line ups include Hitlist, is it just a local young band thang or is there something more to the relationship?
We’ve got much love for the hitlist boys their doing well for themselves at the moment, as for relationship wise we’re not sure – they haven’t taken us to dinner yet but we’ll see! But no, honestly we’re just trying to band together all the Aberdeen bands in the scene to try and work together. I think the music in the city at the moment is fantastic and if we all work together we could create something larger than life.

I wondered if any of the band are reading anything good at the moment? (I am a Librarian by day, I can’t resist asking!)
That’s a good question. At the moment I’m (Ritchie) trying to slowly make my way through The Shining whenever I find the time as I’m trying to get into reading a bit more. Luke is reading Paul McCartney’s A-Z lyrics book at the moment and he’s also making his way through Jimmy Hendrix’s biography. As for Craig he’s most likely reading a comic and for Aidan.. we’re not quite sure! He’s more likely to be shredding on his board 6.

Why should we buy tickets for the OGV gig on 8th December, give me your sales pitch?!
You definitely wanna get yourself there because who knows you could be witnessing history!
Further information: https://linktr.ee/TheSunDayBand
Maria Robertson is the Chief Music & Theatre Writer for the 5D Pop Culture Website and provides reviews & coverage of local Aberdeen music & theatre gigs. She’s an experienced writer for numerous sources and is a self-confessed live gig addict ever since seeing The Counting Crows at the Barrowlands in 1994.
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