FREE Head of Light Entertainment Sash
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Back the Kickstarter in the first 48 hours, before 10:00 am US EST on Friday October 21st, to have this exclusive and highly practical Head of Light Entertainment Sash bestowed upon you.

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About Exalted Funeral
DIY Press & Distro specializing in Table Top Role-playing, Occult, and Heavy Metal printed material.
Keep in touch with the 5D Pop Culture Website
The 5D Pop Culture Website is currently undergoing a little refurbishment to the homepage – but worry not! All the regular features, press releases and articles are available as normal!…..so for the time being any direct messages to yours truly can be sent to our Twitter & Facebook links on the site. Or you can email us at stuartandrew86@icloud.com
The 5D Pop Culture Website is on the press contacts list of numerous and eclectic outlets that thrill our geeky interests…..which means plenty of updates – some of which may even be up to date!
If you, loved, disliked, agreed, disagreed with this feature, well we always love to hear from the foolhardy souls who read articles on the website and/or listen to the podcast so feel free to send any views, comments, questions, criticisms (hopefully not, but if so…..well, bring them on ?). Likewise, any outright public proclamations of love and adoration are always welcome in the comments sections in any website articles or directly via the ‘contact us’ section here on the 5D Pop Culture website.