Strange Visitors to the City, A Third-Party Mörk Borg Zine
NOTE: This is a 5.5″ x 8.5″ 36-page zine. The zip file includes both single-page and spreads.
Strange Visitors to the City is divided into four sections:
Strange Visitors to the City, a 2d6 table to characters and the bulk of the book. Each of these eleven different characters fills a two-page spread and offers background info on the character that the GM may run with or ignore. (twenty-two pages)
1d6 Unusual Places, a 1d6 table of city sites that may be used by the GM as encounter hooks, backdrops for conflict, and anything else that comes to mind after reading through the six places. (four pages)
4d6 rumors, to give the GM ideas that can be expanded into encounters. (four pages)
2d4 Hired Goons, another 2d4 hired goons that can be used on their own or combined with the goons that are described in Strange Citizens of the City. (three pages)
That leaves the inside back cover (which includes a short thank you) and the front and back covers.
A huge thank you to the Mörk Borg team for publishing that third-party license. This booklet would have never come about if not for the game being so amazing and the generosity of the license.
This PDF was created thanks to the support of 1,242 backers who joined in the Kickstarter campaign for Strange Citizens of the City. Thank you to all of the supporters for making that campaign a success! Strange Visitors to the City is copyright © 2020 by Philip Reed. Strange Visitors to the City is an independent production by Philip Reed and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Strange Citizens of the City can be accessed here at DriveThruRPG
Strange Inhabitants of the Forest, A Third-Party Mörk Borg Zine
NOTE: This is a 5.5″ x 8.5″ 36-page zine. The zip file includes both single-page and spreads.
Strange Inhabitants of the Forest is split into three sections:
Strange Inhabitants of the Forest, a 2d6 table to characters and the bulk of the book. Each of these eleven different characters fills a two-page spread and offers background info on the character that the GM may run with or ignore. (twenty-two pages)
Strange Encounters, a 1d12 table that provides the gamemaster with some encounter ideas that can be dropped into almost any forest adventure. Each encounter is a short seed, a concept that exists for one reason: to spark the GM’s imagination. (eight pages)
1d12 Travelers on the Road, a dozen more characters to interact with in the forest. (four pages)
The last two pages are the cover and back cover, as you have likely already guessed.
A huge thank you to the Mörk Borg team for publishing that third-party license. This booklet would have never come about if not for the game being so amazing and the generosity of the license.
This PDF was created thanks to the support of 1,242 backers who joined in the Kickstarter campaign for Strange Citizens of the City. Thank you to all of the supporters for making that campaign a success! Strange inhabitants of the Forest is copyright © 2020 by Philip Reed. Strange inhabitants of the Forest is an independent production by Philip Reed and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Strange Inhabitants of the Forest can be accessed here at DriveThruRPG
Strange Citizens of the City, A Third-Party Mörk Borg Zine
NOTE: This is a 5.5″ x 8.5″ 36-page zine. The zip file includes both single-page and spreads.
Strange Citizens of the City is a collection of characters, possibly monsters, and was written to assist the gamemaster in populating the game world. The characters described within the pages of this slim booklet are divided into four categories:
Strange Citizens of the City, a 2d6 table to characters and the bulk of the book. Each of these eleven different characters fills a two-page spread and offers background info on the character that the GM may run with or ignore. (twenty-two pages)
Hired Goons, a 1d8 table of minor characters who are far less detailed than those characters described in the previous section of the book. At times, the 2d6 characters within the Strange Citizens of the City chapter will list “hired goons” as a special ability of sorts. When that happens, feel free to select a few of those goons from this section. (four pages)
(Possibly) Harmless Wanderers, 2d6 characters that are mostly intended as bizarre encounters the player characters may stumble into when walking the city streets. These characters include no game statistics and are purely descriptive. (four pages)
1d8 Places in the City, eight different locations for the PCs to explore. (four pages)
And that is it! When we add the front and back covers, we reach the book’s total of thirty-six pages and have no more space left to discuss. Strange Citizens of the City could technically be used with almost any fantasy roleplaying game — so long as the gamemaster isn’t afraid of adapting concepts and inventing the stats necessary to use the characters with other games — but it works best with Mörk Borg.
A huge thank you to the Mörk Borg team for publishing that third-party license. This booklet would have never come about if not for the game being so amazing and the generosity of the license.
This PDF was created thanks to the support of 1,242 backers who joined in the Kickstarter campaign for Strange Citizens of the City. Thank you to all of the supporters for making that campaign a success! Strange Citizens of the City is copyright © 2020 by Philip Reed. Strange Citizens of the City is an independent production by Philip Reed and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Strange Citizens of the City can be accessed here at DriveThruRPG