Ships & Shores of Southern Genertela – 5D Pop Culture Website Pick of the week.

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Welcome to the latest ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’, the opportunity to share something in the world of Pop Culture (usually, but not exclusively RPG-related). This week’s choice falls well and truly within of the RPG universe and will shortly be on my own ’to buy’ list on the DriveThruRPG link below.


And while the ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’ may not be; a) The most prestigious award in the TTRPG community, or b) A snappy, concise award title – well, it will be something we take rather seriously at 5DHQ as we fastidiously wade through the plethora of weekly releases.


And while there may be no review, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the winner has our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.



Ships & Shores of Southern Genertela explores the vessels of the Third Age, with particular emphasis on the shipbuilding and shiphandling originating in the waters of Choralinthor Bay following the Opening of the Seas by the hero demigod Dormal. This 392-page book explores the maritime traditions of the new generations of sailors, especially those of the lands and islands about the Bay: Esrolia, Heortland, and the Rightarm Islands.


The book is profusely and exquisitely illustrated by Katrin Dirim, Mark Smylie, Angus McBride, Don Lawrence, Andrew Howat, Kris Herbert, Juha Heinänen, Simon Bray, and Philip McDonnell.


Throughout the book, the Periplus of Southern Genertela recounts the life of an Issaries merchant, as he sails about Choralinthor Bay, voyages to the island of Melib, travels to distant Noloswal, and other places, encountering opportunities and perils, all beautifully illustrated by Katrin Dirim. He walks the streets and visits the temples of Nochet, sails to Karse, Handra, Kaxtorplose, and many other cities, swims down to the merfolk city of Deeper, and recalls a trip to the City of Wonders as a child.



Between the chapters, the People of the Sea details sailors, pirates, priests, navigators and many others, with character outlines, all magnificently portrayed by Mark Smylie.


Ships and Watercraft provides an overview of the seagoing peoples of Southern Genertela.

Shipbuilding describes the ways of building watercraft, from log and reed boats to plank-built warships and merchant ships.

Shiphandling explores how vessels are propelled by sails, oars, and other methods.

Seafarers and Cargo enters the world of sailors, pirates, passengers, and cargo.

Seafaring tells of the world of mariners and navigators, and describes events that may occur aboard or be encountered at sea.

Harbors are where voyages begin, and hopefully end. The city of Karse is splendidly drawn by Mark Smylie

Naval Warfare tells of the weapons and tactics used by warships.

Ships of the Southern Coast details the vessels that ply the waters of Southern Genertela.

The Appendices offer guidelines for playing sailors and ships.

Nautical Terminology provides what it says.


So prepare to cast off and set sail on the seas of Glorantha!


Ships & Shores of Southern Genertela Is available now at DriveThruRPG


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