A Resection of Time

A Resection of Time is a short campaign for Call of Cthulhu set in the modern day. It begins in early April, in San Francisco, and ends a little later in the steamy jungles of Belize, in Central America. Before plunging into the dark heart of the ancient Mayan world, the investigators also travel to Los Angeles and shadowy Arkham.
The details of Mayan architecture, culture, epigraphy, and theology, as well as the experts on these topics named in the scenario, are all real, modified slightly where appropriate to incorporate the Mythos. Likewise, the places mentioned herein (save, of course, for the Sanboume Institute and Arkham), particularly the Belize locations, are real, although described for dramatic impact.
A Resection of Time is available at the link here for DriveThruRPG
Utatti Asfet

The Graham Westlake Foundation sponsors the International Symposium on Unexplained Phenomena. This year, the fortieth annual symposium takes place in the Pacific island nation of Tonga. The investigators are among the attendees. There, they encounter evidence of phenomena they know only too well. They begin an investigation that leads them to cults, confusion, mayhem, delicate inquiries, villains foreign and domestic, new magics, horrors undersea, horrors in swamps, and horrors in the sands of the desert. A wide variety of characters and situations enhance a memorable set of adventures.
The campaign has four main parts and four smaller interludes between them:
Part I: Tonga; Interlude: Airport 1991; Part II: New Orleans; Interlude: Turua; Interlude: Paths of Our Forefathers; Interlude: Samantha Heidrichs; Part III: The Sudan; Finale: Return to Tonga
Set in the 1990s, Uttati Asfet is a world-spanning campaign. In it, the investigators learn that the Mythos is not their only foe, and that evil can wait a very long time.
Uttati Asfet is available at the link here for DriveThruRPG
Basic Roleplaying

Welcome to Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying system, a book that collects in one place rules and options for one of the original and most influential role playing game systems in the world.
This book comprises a roleplaying game system, a framework of rules aimed at allowing players to enact a sort of improvisational radio theater—only without microphones—and with dice determining whether the characters succeed or fail at what they attempt to do. In roleplaying games, one player takes on the role of the gamemaster (GM), while the other player(s) assume the roles of player characters (PCs) in the game. The gamemaster also acts out the roles of characters who aren’t being guided by players: these are called non-player characters (NPCs).
From its origin, Basic Roleplaying was designed to be intuitive and easy to play. Character attributes follow a 3D6 curve, and the other Basic Roleplaying mechanics are even simpler. Virtually all rolls determining success or failure of a task are determined via the roll of percentile dice. This means that there’s less fiddling with dice of different types, and the concept of a percentile chance of success is extremely easy for beginners and experienced players to grasp. There aren’t many easier ways to say a character has a 70% chance of succeeding at an activity.
Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying system reconciles these different flavors of the system and brings many variant rules together between the covers of one book, something that has never been done before. Some of these rules are provided as optional extensions, some as alternate systems, and others have been integrated into the core system. By design, this work is not a reinvention of Basic Roleplaying nor a significant evolution of the system. It is instead a collected and complete version of it, without setting, provided as a guide to players and gamemasters everywhere and compatible with most Basic Roleplayinggames. It also allows the gamemaster the ability to create his or her own game world (or worlds), to adapt others from fiction, films, or even translate settings from other roleplaying games into Basic Roleplaying.
Basic Roleplaying is available at the link here for DriveThruRPG

The Stars are Right!

THE NEW MILLENNIUM: a time wracked by violence, racism, AIDS, drug abuse, and all-consuming fear. Hollow politicians offer empty promises of the bright future – a thousand points of light which none can see.
That which is greater than mankind lurks beyond the rim of human consciousness. It patiently watches, waiting to assume command of our destiny. It preys on the fearful, the hateful, and the hated. Dark thoughts and emotions are set free to prowl the earth, taking what they will, where they will, and as they will. We cower in our homes, quaking behind the false security of tall fences, locked doors, and television – to no avail. The stars are right and cannot be denied.
These are the voices heard by those whose fears have led to the brink of madness, and beyond.
* Love’s Lonely Children
* Nemo Solis Sapit
* This Fire Shall Kill
* The Professionals
* Fractal Gods
* The Gates of Delirium
* The Music of the Spheres
* Darkest Calling
* The Source and the End
* When the Stars Came Right Again
The Stars Are Right! is available at the link here for DriveThruRPG
Atomic-Age Cthulhu

NEVER BEFORE had the world faced a threat as potentially devastating as the A-bomb — and the even more lethal H-bomb that followed. Educational films showed how to “survive” a nuclear blast by crawling under a desk, as if a few inches of wood made any difference. In movie theaters, classic monsters of the ’30s and ’40s were replaced by atom-spawned horrors. Unseen enemies were everywhere: from devilish rock-and-roll music to morally-corrupt books such as Lolita and Catcher in the Rye. Comic-books corrupted the minds of our youths, and godless Communists constituted a red menace to be stopped using any means necessary.
ATOMIC-AGE CTHULHU brings Lovecraftian horror roleplaying into the post-war golden age. Here you find background and history that led to the development of the 1950s world, along with new skills and professions for your investigators. A number of Sinister Seeds are included to help you grow your own 1950s horrors, but seven complete adventures are ready for you to spring on your unsuspecting players.
Atomic-Age Cthulhu is available at link the here for DriveThruRPG
Secrets of Tibet

TIBET is a common term used in the western world to refer to a remote plateau situated north of the Himalayan mountain range in Asia. A land of high-altitude peaks, some areas are impossible to reach without modern technology. The land is populated with malevolent gods and monsters, and deep secrets lie sleeping in ancient tombs and vaults among Tibet s soaring mountains and deep valleys.
Geologists determined that millions of years ago, the Himalayan mountain range lay at the bottom of the ocean. The gradual movement of Earth s tectonic plates raised this region so that it now contains many of the highest points above sea level on the planet. The Himalayas cover a vast area that, some whisper, overlaps the Dreamlands and the terror-shrouded mountainous area between the Cold Waste and the dreaded Plateau of Leng.
Secrets of Tibet details information about everyday life in this mysterious and unique country, from the early twentieth century through to more modern times, along with horrific underlying truths. Tibetan demons are remnants of races that came to Earth from the stars millions of years ago. They dwell in hidden places, are served by loyal minions, and are protected by ancient dark cults that span the globe. They slumber until a time when the stars align, and their awakening shall herald the end of the world as we know it. Over millennia some have awakened briefly, sometimes for years or even centuries, to observe what has been happening in the world. Others are dreamers with lesser abilities, but in their slumber they influence the cold mountain areas of Tibet. Combined, their powers have thinned the barriers between the Waking World, Earth s Dreamlands, and other worlds and dimensions of space and time.
Included within these pages are a history of Tibet, chapters detailing its culture and religion, a bestiary of Tibetan gods and monsters, a guide to the Forbidden City of Lhasa including maps, and three scenarios that will take investigators to the Tibetan plateau and beyond.
Secrets of Tibet is available at the link here for DriveThruRPG