The Calling of the Blood


“The Calling of the Blood” is a modern-day Call of Cthulhu scenario, set in the countryside of Sweden. It’s intended for 3-4 investigators (suggested pre-gens are included) who don’t know each other from the beginning and don’t have any previous knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos, but could be of virtually any nationality, age, gender, or educational background, and in any line of work. They are all, however, of Swedish descent – but probably don’t think of themselves as Swedish.


In the scenario, the investigators – out of curiosity – all submit DNA samples to an online genealogy service and are then offered grants to travel to Sweden and learn about their family history. But a dark secret awaits them.


The Calling of the Blood” takes inspiration from the movie Midsommar, and the TV show Allt för Sverige (marketed in the United States as The Great Swedish Adventure), but is very much its own thing. It contains:

27 pages of Swedish countryside consternation, with references to blood and body horror

5 pre-generated investigator characters (but players are more than welcome to create their own)

Floor maps and handouts

1 brand new Mythos creature

Historical background on the massive Swedish emigration during the 19th and early 20th centuries.



The scenario is a part of the Northern Lights and Darkness collection, where writers from the Nordic countries create modern-day stand-alone cosmic horror scenarios set in each writer’s native country.


The Calling of the Blood is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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