A little while ago we announced that the good people at Free League have offered up a physical copy of The One Ring: Tales from the Lone Lands for a competition prize. But not only that – they had also offered to include free PDF’’s for Tales from the Lone Lands plus Lord of The Rings 5e: Tales of Eriador and Lord of The Rings 5e: Ruins of Eriador!
So we are delighted to not only announce that there was an incredible response from the TTRPG community to enter our competition to win those excellent prizes, but also that the winner has now been picked! This was done completely at random and objectively of course!

The lucky winner has been contacted, meaning the PDF’S will be made available very soon to Nicolas Ferreira for download on DriveThruRPG via Free League. The physical copy of the The One Ring book will be posted by yours truly in the next few days. Nicolas is based in France so hopefully the whole post-Brexit postal service can still do its international thing.
We would like to say a genuine big thanks to all for for entering the competition and subscribing to the website. Hopefully you will continue to follow the 5D Pop Culture Website for all the upcoming features, reviews, news and competitions…… we have some doozy’s in the pipeline!
In addition, we want to repeat our thanks to Free League Publishing for making these competition prizes available to us. I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again, but we’ve been lucky over recent years to deal with numerous publishers in the TTRPG community – and not only do Free League make consistently excellent products, but they are a genuine delight in their approachability.
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