The Pirates of Drinax: Deal Of the Day at DriveThruRPG


Today only (16th Jan) , The Pirates of Drinax from Mongoose is discounted 50% from its normal price of £23.65 to £11.83 at


Possibly the best campaign ever published…

A truly massive Traveller sandbox, the Pirates of Drinax is packed with enough adventures and source material to keep even the most dedicated group going for years!


In the Pirates of Drinax, the Travellers play a band of adventurers entrusted by the King of Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on ‘illegal’ trade within the borders of the vanished kingdom. The King hopes this piracy will give him the leverage he needs to restore Drinax to its former glory, and intends for the Travellers to win back all the planets lost over the last two centuries – but the King’s plans are just the starting point for this campaign.


Once the Travellers have their letter of marque and ship, it’s up to them what to do next. Will they stay loyal to their patron and help restore Drinax? Will they turn rogue and create their own kingdom? Will they be heroes or monsters, pirates or privateers? Will they make their fortune amid the pitiless stars, or will the cold depths of the Trojan Reach be their grave?



The Pirates of Drinax contains three books and a poster:

* Book 1: The Pirates of Drinax Campaign
* Book 2: The Trojan Reach
* Book 3: Ships of the Reach
* A giant 24” x 40” double-sided poster map

The three books that form The Pirates of Drinax contain a full campaign, the Trojan Reach sector, rules and source material introducing the ferocious but noble Aslan, and many new ships unique to the Reach, along with a giant poster map featuring the Trojan Reach sector, the Floating Palace of Drinax, and the Harrier-class commerce raider.


The Pirates of Drinax is available here at DriveThruRPG


Banner: Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG from Tuesday Knight Games available @


Full Disclosure: Nor I, or anyone else affiliated with the 5D Pop Culture Website have received any free content, payment or other forms of renumeration from the creators of the subject of this press release. No promises were made of financial remuneration, free gifts or holidays in the sunny Bahamas in exchange for our inclusion…….sadly. We do have affiliate status with DriveThruRPG, so any clicks towards them generate a smaller % towards keeping this website running. There is no added cost to any purchase.
The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..


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