It was just 5 days ago when we published a short press release stating that Mongoose Publishing would be Kickstarting its new Viking-noir/cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game, Shield Maidens. Well, not only have they blasted past the initial target they have also reached their first stretch goal and they don’t look like they are stopping there!
The Kickstarter project is funding two full colour hardback books – the 192 page Shield Maidens Training Guide and the 240 page Shield Maidens Gamemasters Guide. This includes
The nine realms of Yggdrasil described in detail, with notable locations
Home Guard, the Shield Maidens base of operations in Midgard
Elves, dwarves, Jötunn, dragons, mutants, and gods
Everything you need to create your own powerful Shield Maiden
50+ Galdr that grant divine powers
Over 50 weapons, armour and chrome
Check out the Kickstarter link;
The good people at Mongoose Publishing have also kindly sent me an early look at the PDF version of the Shield Maidens Training Guide, the game’s core rule book. I’ve been advised that this publication may be subject to changes before final publication, but it should give me a good idea of what the final product will look like. And believe me, it already looks awesome in its 192 pages glory…..but there’s more about that a in a short while.
If that wasn’t enough, I was also sent a PDF of the free Shield Maidens Primer for creating your very own character (still my very favourite part of role playing). I’ll also talk about this excellently accessible document in a little while, but if you can’t wait then just follow the above kIckstarter link. There you can start creating your own Shield Maiden right now by downloading the free Shield Maidens Primer 16MB download…..with no backing commitment required…….how cool is that?!
So what is Shield Maidens?
This role playing game features a neo-Viking and cyberpunk setting in which your Shield Maidens battle against crushing oppression. The Shield Maidens are heroes of Midgard, a world not unlike our own with high skyscrapers, dingy city streets, bright neon signs and roadside stalls selling warm stew.
It is also a world of futuristic Viking Noir, every street contains a rowdy mead hall, buildings bear great wooden statues and men settle their disputes with the business edge of an axe. The role of the shield maiden are taken by the players who’s aim it is to reclaim the lost power currently being fought over by multiple groups who want the mystical blood for their own aims.
So what about this Shield Maidens Training Guide?
I will start with the minor caveat that I haven’t quite had the time to intricately process the whole of the 192 pages of the book. After all, we’ll, it’s 192 pages! Some sections I’ve devoured with analytical attention (particularly the beautifully written prologue and back stories), while others have been skimmed over and bookmarked for future attention.
Shield Maidens Training Guide contains all the details a Shield Maiden will need in order to embark on their adventures. It contains details on how to create your own Shield Maiden and all the rules necessary to know in order to play the game. It is accessible enough for anyone from the most experienced role-player to the newest of newbies and understand if read alone before your GM, who obviously will have access to these rules, can help you create a Shield Maiden perfect for the game.
As I just mentioned, even the greenest of RPG newbies or more experienced enthusiasts will find the rule book both accessible and yet challenging enough to use the time to immerse themselves in this world. The basic rules of the adventures game are nicely straightforward. Shield Maidens take on the role of performing the heroes in an epic adventure.
There is no requirement to be a talented actor for this type of performance, anyone can play. Most of the group will have the chance to create their very own Shield Maiden, determine what special powers they carry in their Guardian Shield and face a horde of thrilling enemies.
One member of the group will play the role of the Games Master, or GM. The GM has the fun of creating the adventure the Shield Maidens will undertake, choosing which enemies they face and representing the many interesting characters they meet along the way. For the GM, the fun of the game is in giving the Shield Maidens the greatest challenge, the most exciting moments and the grandest victories.
The character sheets are well designed and simple to understand so as well as being familiar to D&D and other assorted RPG formats, those ‘dipping their toes’ into the world of role playing for the first time should find the completion not only straightforward, but highly enjoyable. I know that many RPG aficionado’s enjoy creating and crafting their own characters – believe me I’m no exception. In fact I have been known to simply do no more some weeks than just sit with a pile of blank D&D character sheets and while away the hours designing character after a character (often a variation on a Drow. I like Drows. It’s an obsession) complete with an elaborately detailed back story. Many of them I’ll never ever use. It matters not.
Yes, there is a fighting element to parts of the adventures and there is of course the potential for the the more bloodthirsty and violent-minded amongst us to dive into more complex character tools as well as hoping your GM is up for instigating the odd punch up or pitched battle. Both layout and artwork throughout the books is a genuine delight.
All in all the Shield Maidens Training Guide is going to be a highly sought after core rule book not only for obviously related to the game here, but also to be shown as an example of what a core file book should be……informative, accessible, entertaining and full emotive text and stunning artwork. The PDF version will provide part of the rewards for backers as well as the main hardback version…..and I just can’t wait to get my hands on that!
The Shield Maidens Primer PDF
The shield maidens prime is essentially the perfect way to dip your toes in this neo-Viking/cyberpunk world. It provides a good element of interesting and emotive back story as well as providing you the opportunity to create your very own Shield Maiden. As I mentioned earlier, this stage of the gaming process is perhaps my favourite stage, this case is absolutely no exception. Take a look at some a brief snapshot of what is involved in the accessible, easy to understand and totally unashamedly enjoyable process of shield maiden creation.
The Shield Maiden character sheets can be found on page 24 and 25. The characteristics and skills of every Shield Maiden are depicted as a tree (for reasons explained isn’t back-story). At the root of your Shield Maiden tree is your core concept, the type of person your Shield Maiden is at heart. Think of this as their title or descriptor. Your Shield Maiden could be Helena the Fierce, Brykina Firekissed, Alaina the Cunning and so on. This concept will be a guide in forming the Shield Maiden to play, so go with your instincts and feel free to be creative
You then choose your Branch Skills. These define your Shield Maiden’s capabilities as a way to measure who your Shield Maiden is at heart. Skills are Observation (OBS), Understanding (UDS), Might (MGT), Speed (SPD), Resilience (RES), Expression (EXP). Each skill has 3 sub-skills, Sub-skills are specialised expertise your Shield Maiden can possess. They provide a minor boost to your dice rolls to attempt an action if it involves that particular skill. For example, Might (MGT) has athletics, fighting & endurance.
Next comes the forging of the Guardian Shield. Every Shield Maiden carries a Guardian Shield. Creating one is the first challenge a prospective Maiden faces and it acts as their rite of passage into the Sisterhood. Each Guardian Shield is destined to be unique, acting as a reflection of the bearer’s heart and lit by the fires of her soul. For this you choose the hub -The shield’s hub is not simply a metallic centre for the shield, it contains densely constructed engineered mechanics used to regulate the shield’s hard-light holographic defences. As a result, the hub is composed of the hardest materials known to the gods; it is indestructible. There are 6 options available.
As a Shield Maiden experiences more of the worlds and performs greater tasks, her Rekkr grows. Rekkr represent how well respected an individual. In order to gain Rekkr, a Shield Maiden has to achieve certain acts which will forever mark her legacy into poems
to be sung for generations and remembered for aeons. Because of this, no one Shield Maiden will gain Rekkr in the same way as another; it is an individual process. To gain Rekkr, during game creation the Shield Maiden should write two short-term goals, two mid-term goals and one long-term goal on the Goals section of her sheet.
Rekkr have no financial or in-game value. They are accumulated with the sole purpose of being spent on Runes.
The act of inscribing a new rune onto a Guardian Shield requires an amount of emotional investment on the part of the Shield Maiden; it is not purely a technological act but a spiritual one as well. Runes comprise the colours of the Maiden’s shield and are a reflection of her heart. They benefit the bearer in small but significant ways, inspiring personal growth and boosting the Shield Maiden to new heights.
Shield Maidens gain a new Rune when they possess an adequate amount of Rekkr.
The rest of the Primer deals with deciding upon your, Galdr (Every Guardian Shield bears several small slots, located around the shield’s hub and capable of holding additional upgrades known as Galdr), weapons and armour.
So there you are, veritable plethora of Shield Maiden goodness. Don’t forget to check out the already successful Kickstarter campaign at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1990654819/shield-maidens-a-new-viking-cyberpunk-tabletop-rpg