Tome of Treasures – Newly Released From Necromancer Games

Old School RPGs - Available Now @


Welcome to the latest ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’, the opportunity to share something in the world of Pop Culture (usually, but not exclusively RPG-related). This week’s choice falls well and truly within of the RPG universe and will shortly be on my own ’to buy’ list on the DriveThruRPG link below.


And while the ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’ may not be; a) The most prestigious award in the TTRPG community, or b) A snappy, concise award title – well, it will be something we take rather seriously at 5DHQ as we fastidiously wade through the plethora of weekly releases.


And while there may be no review, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the winner has our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.


Tome of Treasures



A vast array of treasures from the world’s farthest corners is gathered in this tome, just waiting for you to roll the dice. You’ll find weapons and walking sticks, elaborate jewelry and wooden buttons, carved boxes with secret compartments, rare ivory, and iron pots. There are statuettes, royal robes, belts, antique coins, and armor suitable for the greatest adventurers of legend. Nothing is standard about these treasures!


Nearly 700 treasures are ready to use individually or to mix into an astronomical number of combinations. You will find treasures for the lowliest of pickpockets and brawlers to the most resplendent kings and queens. This book will augment your imagination and encourage your heroes to seek out even more treasure. Creative flair and painstaking research provide treasure as “real” as you can get in a world with dragons and wizards.


Tome of Treasures is available now at DriveThruRPG


