Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Players Guide
Vampire: The Masquerade is the original and ultimate roleplaying game of personal and political horror. You are a vampire, struggling for survival, supremacy, and your own fading humanity — afraid of what you are capable of, and fearful of the inhuman conspiracies that surround you.
Mature Content Warning: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.
The children of the night – what games they play! And what games can we play with them?
Vampires have lurked among us since the first cities rose nameless by the Euphrates. They command mighty powers and strange magics, they hunt in singular ways, they even flock together when times demand it.
This book collects new character-building options, powers, guides for playing together and alone and virtually, and new ways to use the old rules of Vampire: The Masquerade.
Profiles for all Kindred clans, including Banu Haqim, Hecata, Lasombra, The Ministry, Ravnos, Salubri, Tzimisce, Caitiff, and Thin Blood.
New Discipline Powers, Blood Sorcery Rituals, and Thin-Blood Alchemy, plus the Oblivion Discipline and its Ceremonies.
Systems and advantages for coteries, including four new coterie types.
Guidelines and advice for non-traditional chronicles, including: all Thin-blood, troupe-style, virtual play, and play without a Storyteller.
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Players Guide is available now here at DriveThruRPG
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Roleplaying Game Blood Sigils Sourcebook
Blood trickles in channels alongside the walls of Ur, and pools in chalices in Transylvanian castles, carrying within it the power of sorcery – to ward, and guide, and perform dark miracles impossible even to vampires.
And the Blood can change. Thin-bloods transmute it in kettles, meld it in their own veins, boil it in the bodies of unfortunate mortals. This thin-blood alchemy flares up and burns new paths through vampire society as new-fledged vampires seek any leverage on the Kindred who would destroy them, and on the Blood itself.
Orphaned Judges, desperate Warlocks, and Mercurians with nothing to lose rewrite the rules of blood craft in these 21st century nights, spelling out new names and laws in their Blood Sigils.
This book presents Blood Sorcery and Thin-Blood Alchemy for Vampire: The Masquerade.
A look into the underground blood magic scene in the World of Darkness!
How to add a blood craft scene to your existing chronicle, including a sample chronicle structure focused on Thin-Blood Alchemy.
Dozens more Thin-Blood Alchemy formulae and Blood Sorcery rituals, plus systems to build formulae and rituals for your chronicle.
The redworking scene in 21st-century chronicles: who’s buying, who’s selling, who’s hunting, what’s waiting.
Tools, monstrosities, tomes, and the veins of the earth to be tapped by vampire sorcerers!
New Loresheets to weave into your chronicle!
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Roleplaying Game Blood Sigils Sourcebook is available now here at DriveThruRPG
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Roleplaying Game Blood-Stained Love Sourcebook
Can the Kindred ever truly love?
Expand your game of personal and political horror to include wide-eyed lovers and manipulative monsters. The book is for Storytellers and players alike, giving you tools, techniques and advice on how to bring romance to the undead. This book includes 6 six fleshed out storytelling characters and six detailed story concepts, all designed to maximize romance potential.
How to play your character in stories of romance.
How to build your chronicle from the ground up so that the options for romance are maximized or minimized.
Six fully fleshed out Storyteller characters specifically designed for romance.
Six detailed story concepts created to maximize romantic potential.
Advice and tools for safety and calibration, expanding on the corebook’s Advice for Considerate Play appendix.
Tools for defining and maintaining everyone’s boundaries at the table.
Sections on alternate methods for playing romance.
Merits, Flaws and Discipline powers related to romance.
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Roleplaying Game Blood-Stained Love Sourcebook is available now here at DriveThruRPG
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