Released today from the fine people at Cubicle 7 is a enticing addition to the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Universe.
A plague is afflicting settlements in the eastern Laurelorn Forest. Shallyan prayers have proven ineffective and herbal remedies are scarce. If the Empire’s heroes cannot discover a way to contain this plague, Nordland’s logging industry will collapse as war and chaos devastate the Laurelorn.
Forest of Hate is an exciting action-investigative adventure aimed at experienced Characters in the 2nd or 3rd tier of their Careers.Characters will face up against disease, discrimination and superstition as they explore the beleaguered forest towns. A terrified populus, a group of nefarious woodsmen, ancient Elven ruins and more await as Characters attempt to uncover and ultimately thwart the machinations of the Ruinous Powers from corrupting the Laurelorn.
An ideal standalone adventure, Forest of Hate can be easily incorporated into existing WFRP campaigns. Alternatively it makes an ideal precursor for players looking to explore the Laurelorn Forest campaigns from Archives of the Empire: Vol. 1
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Forest of Hate is available now at DriveThruRPG