Monster Manual Expanded | Roll20 VTT Compendium

This is the Roll20 VTT Compendium Package of the first book of the Adamantine Best-Selling Monster Manual Expanded series!
Monster Manual Expanded is a bestiary that supplements the Monster Manual and aims to provide Dungeon Masters more options and flexibility in designing adventures and dressing up their dungeons with a wider variety of creatures and characters that are based on the Monster Manual. Finally, it also adds variants that provide a nostalgic and classic feel that DMs experienced with the older editions are probably familiar with.
When you purchase this, you will acquire access to the full Roll20 compendium which you can search and read from the Roll20 website as well as access within the Roll20 VTT! This means you can:
Easily access the creatures when creating your games on Roll20! Whenever you search your 5e compendium resources on Roll20, over 470 creatures can show in your search results for easy drag & drop onto your encounter maps.
Browse the compendium for the creature you want and drag it into your encounter.
Gain access to up to 350+ unique, beautiful token art pieces and over 470 fully-statted character sheets with click-to-roll attacks, special powers, saving throws, and more!
Monster Manual Expanded | Roll20 VTT Compendium Is available here at Dungeon Masters Guild
Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything Volume 1 | Roll20 VTT

Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything is a massive, two-volume collaboration of DMsGuild creators that expands on the options found in the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.
Chapter 1: Player Options
26 new subclasses for every class, including artificer
A brand new class: the cunning Tactician, with 4 new subclasses of its own
2 remastered subclasses: just like the Circle of Spores druid and Bladesinger wizard get reworks in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the Path of the Berserker Barbarian and the Way of the Sun Soul monk get new, exciting reworks in Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything
Chapter 2: Magic Items
Over 50 new magic items to suit any tier of play
Wondrous items from a magical cookie tin, glitter bomb, and magic microphone
Sentient magic weapons with unique personalities and awesome powers
Chapter 3: Dungeon Master’s Tools
Guides on running intrigue and mystery, animal domestication, and more
A revised guide to shopping, and guidelines for running a business
Complex narrative traps with instructions for modification
Play with Less Prep
The Roll20 version of Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything contains all book content in the Roll20 compendium, ready to be used immediately!
Player options can be found in the Roll20’s D&D Charactermancer, allowing them to quickly make a selecton and have that subclasses’ features automatically appear on their sheet!
All magic items can be found in your in-app compendium, allowing you to easily create handouts to show players, and even drag onto their character sheets!
All Dungeon Master’s Tools can be found in the compendium, ready to drag into any game, or read on their own in the Roll20 web compendium
Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything Volume 1 | Roll20 VTT is available here at Dungeon Masters Guild

Adaptable NPCs of the Guild (Roll20)

Enrich the adventures you tell with new non-player characters to guide your players across Faerûn, now using Roll20!
Adaptable NPCs of the Guild is a DMs Guild community project that introduces you to detailed non-player characters to use at your table. Quest givers, travelling companions, minor henchmen, or campaign ending foes await to engage your players and inspire your campaigns.
Written by 18 of the Guild’s most talented and exciting creators, this module provides you with NPCs to populate your worlds! From the Retired Red Wizard of Thay to the Chosen Disciples of Tiamat, these NPCs will fit perfectly into your official campaign settings or homebrew worlds alike!
Additionally, a completely original 3-6 hour adventure has been included that can be run standalone or dropped into an official campaign setting using one of the many included story hooks.
Inside the module you will find:
63 Incredible Adaptable NPCs, including the Baelnorn Lich, the Flameblade Magus, and the Red Witch
13 Variant NPCs, such as Chosen of Bhaal, Radiant Sunwitch, and the Wayfarer Beast Trainer
11 magic items, like the Court Mage’s Shawl, the Herbal Energy Mushroom, and the Commander’s Hope
A 3-6 hour adventure, including battle maps (with dynamic Line of Sight) and tokens for every ANPC
Adaptable NPCs of the Guild (Roll20) is available here at Dungeon Masters Guild
Uncaged | Volume I | Roll20

Uncaged is a collection of myth- and folklore-themed adventures written for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Each original adventure subverts tropes around a female mythological creature or monster including hags, harpies, medusas, and much, much more.
Both print and digital include a special foreward by Jasmine Bhullar, star of Relics & Rarities on Geek & Sundry!
25 original adventures for tiers 1-4. Each adventure features a creature, monster, or character from folklore, fairytales, myths, and legends. Cover art by Samantha Darcy.
Featuring work by:
Alicia Furness, Alison Huang, Annabeth Lennon, Asa Wheatley, Awkward Bard, Bianca Bickford, Cat Evans, Dierdre Donlon, Elise Cretel, Emily Smith, FlourescentWolf, Gwen Bassett, Hla Rosa, Jen Vaughn, Jessica L. Washburn, Jessica Marcrum, Jessica Ross, Johanna Taylor, Judy Black, Johanna Taylor, Kat Kruger, Kayla Cline, Kelly Dayton, Kristina Sisto Kindel, Liz Gist, Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett, Lynne M. Meyer, Lysa Chen, Ma’at Crook, Maryska Connolly, Masha Lepire, Mellanie Black, Natalie Wallace, Sammy Ward, Samantha Darcy, Wouter Florusse
Content warnings for the adventures in this volume (these are also included before the relevant adventures in the volume): Sexism, Forest Fires, Domestic Violence, Suicide, Infanticide, Dark Horror, Corpses, War, Assault, Murder, Torture, Abuse, Gaslighting, Snakes, Loss, Kidnapping, Patricide, Lies, Threat, Manipulation, Narcissistic Abuse, Grief, PTSD
Play with Less Prep!
This Roll20 version of Uncaged: Volume I includes each adventure combined in a Roll20 module!
All text laid out in easy-to-read, cross-linked handouts, giving you all the information you need right at your fingertips!
All NPCs and creatures set up with character sheets including click-to-roll buttons for attacks, saves, and skills!
Every map set up for play, with pre-placed tokens, GM layer information, and Dynamic Lighting support (requires plus / pro subscription)!
Every rollable table ready-to-roll with single-click Rollable Tables and Macros!
All tokens and handouts combined in a Art Pack in your Art Library, allowing you to use the art of this product in other games!
Uncaged | Volume I | Roll20 is available here at Dungeon Masters Guild

Exploring Eberron Roll20

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker in this tour through the lands, oceans, and planes of Eberron. Exploring Eberron presents Keith’s vision of Eberron like never before, with fresh lore and rich illustrations to bring the setting to life.
In this book, Keith takes players and Dungeon Masters on a thrilling dive into the world of Eberron. Encounter the monstrous folk of Droaam, the goblinoid Heirs of Dhakaan, the Mror dwarves and their Realm Below, and the sahuagin and merfolk dwelling beneath the waves. Embrace faiths of altruism, pragmatism, and darkness. Browse the tomes of Dolurrh’s Vault of Memories, seek the Amaranthine Cities of Irian and Mabar, meditate with the githzerai monks of Kythri, and much more.
The adventure won’t be easy! Mighty friends and foes await—from legendary archfey and proud sahuagin to nightmarish quori and alien daelkyr. Eberron is a world in need of heroes, but take heart: between these pages lie a host of character options for would-be heroes to enjoy. You’ll discover new archetypes for the artificer, cleric, druid, monk, and bard. Play unique Eberron races and subraces including gnolls, Dhakaani goblinoids, aasimar of diverse faiths, and ruinbound dwarves. Uncover a wealth of magic items from around the world, wield symbionts that bond with your very flesh, channel your dragonmark with focus items—and perhaps even manifest a Siberys dragonmark of immense power.
Exploring Eberron Roll20 is available here at Dungeon Masters Guild