Welcome to the latest 5D Pop Culture Website Weekend exploration of some of the great community creations in the world of Table Top Role Playing.
And while there may be no review, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the choices have our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.
Into the Monster’s Lair (Pathfinder)
Into the Monster’s Lair is a collection of special hazards that transform your creatures into threatening boss monsters with unique actions, passive benefits, downtime activities, and more!

Steeling their nerves against the onset of fear, the adventurers raised their shields and stepped into the dragon’s lair. The walls crackled with veins of molten magma; sweltering heat washed over them, greasing their hands with an uncomfortable layer of sweat. The smell of brimstone was impossible to ignore: every cave they stepped through, every tunnel they crept down, it felt like the dragon was breathing right in their faces, sour and deadly.
Dread began to grow like weeds in their hearts. Would they ever leave this place? Would they ever see the sky again? What had possessed them to challenge the dragon in its own home—the place where its advantage was absolute? In the end, it didn’t matter. All they could do was press on, sharpening their will to survive against the whetstone of that dark and awful place.
When the party approaches a powerful boss creature, one of the gamemaster’s many roles is building up tension and dread—an atmosphere that foretells the deadly encounter the players are about to face. One of the best ways to build up this tension is the lair: a place where the boss has the edge and their power is visible everywhere the players turn. A well-placed lair makes a boss encounter unique and memorable. After all, what could be more awesome than chasing a vampire through its castle or fighting a dragon amidst its hoard of treasures?
This book describes a series of lairs at various levels of power, suitable for any boss creature you want to challenge your players with.
Into the Monster’s Lair is available here at DriveThruRPG
Traveller Mercenary Ticket: Mazon Recovery (Traveller)
Gear up as a crew of high powered mercenaries sent to the planet Mazon on a “cakewalk mission” to recover kidnapped scientists and their research data. You’ve got shoulder mounted missile launchers and orbital artillery. What could possibly go wrong?

Your datapad pings on your wrist. An urgent text from Ablecorp Dispatch scrolls across the screen: “Ablecorp Resource – You have been assigned a new ticket. Adding you to a squad deploying in 3 hours from docking berth 02-067. Meet there with gear ASAP. Heading planetside for a civilian extraction – so you know what to pack. Mission brief to follow.”
Ablecorp has a tracker in your thigh and that stylized “A” tattoo on your arm contains nano-poison they can release into your bloodstream remotely. You can’t say NO to a Mercenary Ticket!

This d6 scenario was designed to be compatible with the Traveller RPG system and its derivatives such as Mongoose Traveller and Cepheus Engine. This scenario can be adapted to other sci-fi RPG systems like Coriolis, Eclipse Phase, Starfinder, Stars Without Number, etc.
64 page 6″ x 9″ digest size booklet – similar to the classic Little Black Books
Illustrated with maps.
Full scenario outlines for the following:
One shot 3-4 hour play
2-3 shot longer session play
Drop-in for your current campaign
Twists! To keep it weird.
Traveller Mercenary Ticket: Mazon Recovery is available at here at DriveThruRPG
Quick Ship File: Kinunir Class Vanguard Cruiser (Traveller)
This book is for the Second Edition of Traveller by Mongoose, though it should be compatible with any other edition

The Kinunir class ship was originally envisaged as a Colonial Cruiser, intended to be an all-purpose vessel operating along the borders of Imperial Space. Powerful enough to see off local trouble, and fast enough to be able to avoid more powerful vessels.
The ship is fitted with multiple redundant systems, and considerable facilities for the crew (the comprehensive galleys being a particular favourite), but is cramped and lacking in heavy offensive armament (apart from the extensive missile capability – but this increased logistic
dependence for resupply).
This guide contains:
Ship art including 15 pages of poster art.
Ship statistics.
25 pages of deck plans (empty and cluttered).
Crew ORBAT and 6 view drawings.
Random ship location chart.
VTT Assets
Quick Ship File: Kinunir Class Vanguard Cruiser is available here at DriveThruRPG
Shadow of the Demon Lord Compendia Demon Lord’s Companion for Foundry VTT (Shadow of the Demon Lord)
As the Demon Lord’s influence creeps across the land, it touches more people, awakening in them crippling dread, tempting them to commit unspeakable acts, or to rise up and take a stand and fight back against the spreading darkness. In the end times, all must choose a side, to save the world or watch it burn.

The Demon Lord’s Companion reveals new options for players and Game Masters alike, providing a host of new options such as:
Faun and Halfling ancestries
Six expert paths including the psychic and mountebank
A dozen master paths such as the blackguard, martial artist
Alchemical Items, Forbidden Items, Marvels of Engineering, and new Potions
New rules for creating gear and using vehicles
Alchemy, Demonology, Telekinesis, and more new traditions of magic
Magical places, relics, new creatures, and more!
An essential addition to the Shadow of the Demon Lord line of products, the Demon Lord’s Companion is bound to take your games into darker and stranger places!
This module requires the Shadow of the Demon Lord system available for free on Foundry VTT’s website. It includes all ancestries, characters, creatures, features, paths, spells and talents in the core book, with active effects as supported by the system. Official art has been used where available. The book is also included as a journal entry, and it includes references and links to the items where available.
Shadow of the Demon Lord Compendia Demon Lord’s Companion for Foundry VTT is available here at DriveThruRPG
Faith’s Reward – Sarenrae (Pathfinder)
Sarenrae’s faithful are spread throughout Golarion. From the heart of her worship in the Padishah Empire to those in the Crown of the World who revere her as Sister Cinder, she has a firm presence all around the world. Her followers bring justice against those who do evil, bring peace to the hearts and bodies of the innocent, and work tirelessly to redeem those who bring about harm.

If you, like me, are a fan of running characters with strong ties to faith but are tired of constantly running clerics and champions to allow that faith to reflect in your mechanics, then you are the kind of person I wrote this for. I love what Sarenrae stands for and what she does. She is an easy deity to grok, and serves well as a starting point for introducing the great importance faith can have for your characters.
In this document, you will find ways to turn your faith in the Everflame Into power, and to bring a Sarenite flavor into your future characters. You don’t have to play a worshipper of Sarenrae to access every mechanic in this document, but even the options that don’t require faith in Sarenrae are thematically aligned with her worshippers.
- New spells, including old favorites such as shield of the Dawnflower and sunbeam, as well as new favorites, including cleansing fire.
- Bask in the radiance of the sun with a new master Performance feat.
- Wield a scimitar as a monk!
- New class feats to become proficient in non-lethal combat, and even eventually thrive while avoiding killing.
- New and converted magic items, such as the dervish sikke, Dawnflower lantern, and emberblade.
- Harness self-destructive soulfire to burn your foes and heal your allies with the candlesoul archetype. (10 feats, levels 2-14)
- Serve the Everflame as a Dawnflower anchorite, in this archetype conversion of the 1e prestige class. (9 feats, levels 2-12)
- Learn the art of battle dancing and become a whirling dervish, one of the most feared of Sarenrae’s flock. (10 feats, levels 2-18)
- Learn a specialized form of battle dancing with numerous supplemental archetypes to the whirling dervish, such as the frenzied dervish or the mighty dervish. (5 feats each, levels 4-20)
- Even more feats, including the Sunsoul ifrit lineage and Assured Healing, a metamagic feat which turns your healing spells into flat healing. No more rolling all ones on desperate heals!
- Redeemers join paladins as champion causes that have a unique oath with Merciful Oath.
- Fighters can trade their Attack of Opportunity for a new reaction.
- Psychics get crushed with second-hand guilt by the Redemptive Heart subconscious mind.
- A new ranger edge dedicated to restraining your foes.
- Witches gain a new patron and lesson, as well as their associated hexes.
- A new celestial animal companion, with a thematic advanced option and three new specializations.
- The Regret Phantom eidolon.
- Take to the skies as a jyoti, one of the deity-hating birdfolk that live in the sun!
Faith’s Reward – Sarenrae can be found here at DriveThruRPG
Danger Dossier | Roll20 (Starfinder)
Alghollthu. Black puddings. Primal dragons. Intellect devourers. Raveners. Shoggoth. They may have all been threats on the world of Golarion, but that doesn’t mean you won’t encounter them on hundreds of other worlds. And even with a laser rifle handy, these creatures put you in real danger.

Danger Dossier updates 32 classic Pathfinder monsters to Starfinder, with more than 50 stat blocks, templates to create more creatures, and full color illustrations of everything from alghollthu interlocutors to zomoks.
Edited and developed by Starfinder co-creator and original Design lead, Owen K.C. Stephens.
Danger Dossier | Roll20 is available here at DriveThruRPG