Boldhome – “the impossible city”, built by Sartar the Peacemaker and the Mostali into the Quivin Mountains, and capital city of Sartar’s Princedom. It fell to the Lunar Empire in 1602 and has remained occupied by them ever since. Will 1625 be any different?
This is the official sourcebook for the Home of the Bold 51-player freeform game set in Earth season of 1625 in Boldhome. It’s also an invaluable guide to Sartar and the city of Boldhome during the Lunar occupation. System agnostic, it can be used with the RuneQuest, QuestWorlds and 13th Age Glorantha systems to inform games set in Glorantha’s Dragon Pass region.
While the book draws heavily from the original 1992 Rough Guide, it’s been completely updated, greatly expanded and also includes sneak peeks of Chaosium’s upcoming Sartar Book (set after the occupation is over).
It’s also full of new colour artwork, previous artwork and maps, and features three new full colour maps of the region.
The core of the book is Greg Stafford’s Boldhome Documents, including:
The City of Boldhome – The Founding of Boldhome, descriptions of all the major locations and details of the ruling City Ring, accompanied by Walter Moore’s map of Boldhome.
Recent Sartar History – The Reign of Salinarg and the Return of the Prince, including the Princes of Sartar list.

There are sneak previews of Chaosium’s upcoming Sartar Book (adapted for the occupation), including:
The Kingdom and Tribes of Sartar – background and details on the kingdom and sixteen Sartarite tribes and other communities. A colour map of the tribes accompanies this.
Trade in Dragon Pass – including details and background on the major Guilds of Sartar and Boldhome.
Important Gods – Describing the main gods worshipped in the region, including the Hero Cult of Sartar and Lunar worship.
Various other articles round out the book, notably:
The Cult of Geo – The original cult write-up of Sartar’s hero of hospitality by Greg Stafford, accompanied by Walter Moore’s map of the Inn locations.
Jaxarte in Boldhome – Michael O’Brien’s tale of Jaxarte Whyded’s woes and mishaps in Boldhome.
Home of the Bold Personalities – Details of some of the main protagonists in the updated freeform game.
Songs of the Bold – Eight stirring and glorious Gloranthan adaptations of tuneful songs.
Notes from Nochet – The return of the Holy Country version of the (original) Jonstown Compendium!
A Rough Guide to Boldhome is available now here at DriveThruRPG

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