Full Disclosure: Nor I, or anyone else affiliated with the 5D Pop Culture Website have received any free content, payment or other forms of renumeration from the creators of the subject of this press release. No promises were made of financial remuneration, free gifts or holidays in the sunny Bahamas in exchange for our inclusion…….sadly.
The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..
We wanted to share some interesting and we think, exciting news about how work is progressing with the folks at RPGMatch, the application where you can register and meet other TTRPG players who like to play like you do. They aim to ask the important questions about safety tools, character death, and stylistic preferences so you are guaranteed a good fit before you sit down at the table or VTT. RPGMatch is intended to be more than a matching service, they are building a community online from the ground up with table top gamers in mind. Best of all? It’s all free.
So we decided to share their latest newsletter.
Hail & well met, adventurer!
We have exciting new for our platform: we are one step closer to building an app that can connect the entire TTRPG community.
We now have over 7,000 Matchers and we are regularly adding 70 to 100 people per day. So if you haven’t made match yet, check as see where things are at. And I would recommend starting with a Matchscore search.
The RPGMatch team is hard at work on two major new releases: groups & availability matching. Both features are fairly self explanatory, but our groups will allow you to look at the preferences of all group members, not just the GM.
Brand new as of today we have just rolled out a few cool new features:
Explore feed (beta) – we have curated a list tabletop influencers, which is now available to everyone on day one. Now, every time a billionare does something foolish, we don’t need to scatter to the wind a rebuild our community.
Our first iteration of the explore feed pulls tweets from our verified RPGMatch users (and still links back to Twitter) but we will be building this out over the next month.
New Profile – we’ve launched a new streamlined look for our profiles:
MOAR Badges – we are now proud to count over 25 TTRPG companies as partners, including our newest partners: R.Talsorian, Renegade Games, Modiphius, and Paizo. Many of these partners have special urls which unlock badges for your profile. In future emails, we will be sharing out how YOU can unlock the badges for the brands you care about.
You should know:
Badges are searchable, allowing you connect with people that share your TTRPG brand affinities.
Badges are incorporated into Matchscore.
Some badges will unlock features like licensed avatars and backgrounds!
As always, you can add a custom avatar by linking back to your Twitter account. Add it today! (We are working on adding support to other social networks as you read this)
More news coming soon!
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