Circus Extreme World Tour at Queens Links, Aberdeen Review


A review from 5D Music & Theatre writer Maria Robertson


Posters are up all over city and shire telling us the circus is coming, every year I see them for the various offerings, and finally I have actually been to the circus!  Cannot quite believe I made it to…this age, without ever going to the circus, but there we are.


I walked in next to a little girl asking her Daddy how long it took to put up a tent this big, and thought of the swearing that a normal family tent seems to automatically evoke.  Luckily Daddy assured her that it was only about a day as the team all knew what they were doing.  That was reassuring.




So the Big Top is big.  I probably do not need to tell normal people that but having never been in one before I found that rather awe inspiring.  There was no sign of Hugh Jackman but there were gorgeous girls in Ringmaster outfits showing people to their seats.  Popcorn and flashy stick things were for sale, and I was glad I’d not brought a small child that expected one of each!


Unsure of what to expect I was blown away by the sparkly outfits, the lights, pyrotechnics, loud music and the utterly breath taking tricks!  The show was so varied with dancers, singers, trapeze artists, motorbikes, a car, a tank of water, and much more!  There were funky boots, sparkly shoes, ballet slippers, roller skates and trainers.



There were no animals, as happens these days – all the participants chose to be there, and get paid to do their extremely daring acts.  There was a ballet dancer on her points, a couple swinging round the top by barely even their fingertips, there was a (possible) mermaid jumping in and out the water, there were motorbikes zooming round inside a metal ball, there were guys balanced on a wire high above our heads jumping over each other’s heads.


The list goes on, and contains too many spoilers, just go see the show.  Scream and applaud, gasp and squeal.  Have a fabulous time and enjoy the show.  It’s in Aberdeen till the 24th July so you still have time to make sure you don’t miss out on this extremely entertaining evening.
Further information and tickets:


Maria Robertson is the Chief Music & Theatre Writer for the 5D Pop Culture Website and provides reviews & coverage of local Aberdeen music & theatre gigs. She’s an experienced writer for numerous sources and is a self-confessed live gig addict ever since seeing The Counting Crows at the Barrowlands in 1994.
