Triumphant in his centuries-long pursuit of his beloved Tatyana, Strahd von Zarovich cannot help but gloat. Wedding invitations have been sent out across Barovia, and all are expected to witness this unholy union. In his arrogance, he has invited the adventurers to his place of power to humiliate them one last time before draining Ireena Kolyana of her life’s blood and damning her soul for eternity. Might the gods watch over these wayward souls. Might the strength of their sword-arms and the courage of their hearts be enough to stand boldly against the devil’s shadow—for here, in Barovia, all is not well. It can never be well so long as this valley and its people live under the curse of Strahd.
The Wedding at Ravenloft is the titanic conclusion to your Curse of Strahd campaign. Strahd has captured Ireena; the adventurers have one last chance to save her soul and end the Devil’s dark reign. This module is balanced for four 9th-level adventurers, and can be completed within 5-7 hours.
Print On Demand Update
With over 4700 copies sold since 2018, The Wedding at Ravenloft at last comes to print-on-demand! With this new update comes a new, free PDF for all customers that ever purchased this title, featuring new art, better layout, and the hindsight of five years. The PDF, available in premium-color softcover, includes a Dramatis Personae for all characters included in The Wedding, as well as the statistics of the creatures thereof, making it truly a one-stop-shop module you can keep at your side when running your campaign’s finale.
Curse of Strahd: The Wedding At Ravenloft is available in Print here at Dungeon Masters Guild.