The Imperial Navy

A mighty sourcebook covering the Imperium’s senior service, The Imperial Navy is finally here and it is not only one of the most informative books Mongoose have ever published, but also one of the prettiest!
How are the sector and subsector fleets organised, commanded, and provided with warships? How would the Imperium would fight – and win – an interstellar war? How is a starship crew organised? What is the underlying design philosophy of Imperial warships? How do major ships and their escorts interact? How would the Old Expanses fleet respond to renewed conflict with the Solomani Confederation?
This book has the answers.

Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 Collector’s Edition

Mongoose also still have a few copies of the Collector’s Edition of Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 in stock – if a faux-leather cover, silver page linings and metal edge protectors are your thing, check it out!
You can get your own copy of the Collector’s Edition right now!
Keep your eyes open next week, as Mongoose will have some grand news for Traveller, a new Traveller book going on pre-order, and a first peek at the all new Paranoia!