Delta Green: Restricted Case File
Session 5 – Fri 26th July 2024
Operational Summary:
Status Update:
Time: Evening
Location: Macallister Building, New York
The Night Floors beckon….
Incident Log:
Re-entry into Vanfitz Apartment
Agents return to the apartment with Agent Militia taking point.
Agent Militia armed and alert; Agent Murdoch derogatorily refers to tenant as ‘Vanbitch.’; Agent Marvin brings up the rear.
Notable change in the apartment’s apparent transformation.
Hostile Engagement:
Michelle Vanfitz initiates aggression by macing Agent Militia in the eyes.
Combat ensues; Vanfitz wields a tomahawk.
Exchange of gunfire; no agent injuries except Militia’s temporary blindness.
Vanfitz sustains a severe leg injury.
Interrogation and Discovery:
Vanfitz handcuffed and interrogated.
She rants about the Yellow King, exhibiting signs of extreme delusion.
Agent Murdoch refrains from antagonistic language. Vanfitz still manic.
Discovery: Red Book, previously confiscated, mysteriously reappears on the bookshelf.
New find: “Architecture, Genius, and Mental Illness” by Dr. Peter Johansson (1961), detailing ASA Daribondi and referencing the Hotel Broadalbin.

Vanfitz’s leg injury proves fatal; she bleeds out.
Body concealed in the kitchen, raising corruption and sanity concerns among agents.
Exploration of the Night Floors:
Time: Approximately 8 PM; agents decide to continue investigation.
Enter Night Floors via the Smoking Lounge.
Observations: Opulence and peculiarities of the Smoking Room.
Interaction with Mark Roark:
Roark identified from a play page; confirms Abigail Wright’s presence on the 6th floor.
Roark insists the current year is 1933 and they are in the Hotel Broadalbin.
Louis Post, another tenant, contradicts with the year 1995.
Roark agitated when Murdoch fails to recognise him from a past escape from The Whisper Labyrinth.
Encounter with the Night Manager:
Guided by Louis Post to the Night Manager’s quarters on the 4th floor.
Night Manager’s room: cluttered with dated newspapers and photos (none post-1940s).
Discussions about Daribondi and Roark; evasive on personal details and dates.
Mentions a “Superintendent” on the 12th floor but offers no specifics.

Significant Discovery:
Night Manager frequently glances at a locked box.
Contents: “The Imperial Dynasty of America” book, listing names including Agent Marvin’s real name (Richard Palmer).
Night Manager claims rightful succession to the throne.
Photograph documentation of the book; sanity concerns intensify among agents.
Pursuit of Abigail Wright:
Decision to visit the 6th floor; Night Manager asserts Abigail’s contentment and reluctance to leave.
Corridor’s illogical extension perceived upon departure from Night Manager’s room.
Mysteries in the Hallway:
An unseen individual (save for badly scarred arms of potentially an African-American ) places a wooden box in the hallway.
Box contents: Ancient Latin book (“Hygromanteia”), glass vials with unknown liquid, silver plastic robe, occult symbol marked parchment.
Disturbance: Deafening sound upon parchment retrieval; Agent Marvin identifies demon sigil of PURSON.

Strange Pursuit:
Observations: Two sprinting figures, followed by masked men with shotguns; subsequent gunfire.
Discovery: Two “dead” mechanical marionettes with identity cards (Eric K. Carter, 1953; Ronald Burbach, 1955).
Items appear new despite dated IDs; heightened sanity issues among agents.
Final Observation:
Hallway sighting: Old-style fairground arcade machine with a fortune-teller figure.
Inscription: “Tarot readings available here – you have so much to look forward to!”
Agent Recommendations:
Immediate psychological evaluation for all agents due to escalating sanity concerns.
Further investigation into the Macallister Building’s structural anomalies and historical records.
Continued surveillance of remaining tenants and potential hostile entities.
The case at Macallister Building continues to present extreme psychological and paranormal challenges. Agents should proceed with caution, maintaining strict adherence to operational protocols and mental health monitoring.
For Eyes Only:
End of Session 5 Report
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“Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Illustrations by Dennis Detwiller are reproduced by permission. The contents of this review are © Stuart Anderson excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.”
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