The Kingdom of Imther is a small, seemingly bucolic, mountainous province at the edge of the mighty Lunar Empire. It is home to herders, hunters, and cheesemakers whose king maintained a trade relationship with the mysterious dwarfs. But… the king is dead, the dwarfs have closed their brass gates, clans have rebelled, and ambitious leaders stake their claims. The HERO WARS have come to this fair and pleasant land.
Edge of Empire presents a new Homeland for RuneQuest. It is part of the Lunar Empire, yet extends into rugged mountains and wild woodlands. Designed for both players and gamemasters, Edge of Empire includes: an overview of the land, Clan Creation and maps, Character Backgrounds, local Cults, Gamemaster’s Guide, Encounters, Rumors, Legends, the Lunar Provincial Survey, Hilltown Gazetteer, and more.

Written for RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha, Edge of Empire can be used with 13G or other Gloranthan games.
Edge of Empire can be accessed at the link here for DriveThruRPG