Holiday Dorastor: Risklands


Welcome to Holiday Dorastor: Risklands, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor.


Risklands covers the Renekotling Clan, situated on the very edge of Dorastor. Here you will find Family Histories for local Homelands, a summary of all major Homelands, descriptions of the Clan and its structures, Clan factions, a map and locations of the Risklands, a map and locations of Hazard Fort, Personalities and families of the Risklands, Cult summaries for the Golden Eagle, Mr. Beaver, Hostarn, and Kentyl the Bandit, Magic Items, and forty two scenarios.


Holiday Dorastor: Risklands allows Adventurers to join the Renekotling Clan and to progress from outsiders to trusted members of the Clan. It links to other Holiday Dorastor supplements and is best used as a framework, allowing scenarios from other supplements to be slotted into the scenarios found here, Look out for Holiday Dorastor: Foulvale and Holiday Dorastor: Hahlgrim’s War, the sister supplements to Risklands, coming soonish.



Holiday Dorastor: Risklands is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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