Opus Faerie (PF2): A Collection of Fey Creatures and Magic Items


As the lumberjack treads the old worn path through the verdant wood, they have the strangest sense of being watched. They’d tread this path many times before, but never felled a tree on it—the other villagers had enforced that rule zealously, an edict from some ancient fable passed from parent to child for generations. They’d never understood why the villagers were so emphatic until today. As they crept, axe in hand, they became ever surer that some shadow flitted through the dark, stalking them from the underbrush.

A flash of movement. A swing of the axe. The blade buried itself deep in a nearby oak with a resounding thump. Only… most trees didn’t have eyes, or teeth, or arms. The lumberjack, utterly shocked, could only listen as the tree groaned with speech, its jaws closing around their throat: “You were warned, and now you pay the price.”


Faeries, fey, fair folk—whatever you choose to call them, spirits of nature recur in mythologies all over the world. In Greek myth, the features of nature are personified and protected by various nymphs, from tree-dwelling dryads to nautical oceanids to mountainous oreads. In Celtic myth, the secretive aos sí live in hidden forts and dance between worlds, aiding and tormenting humans in equal measure. In Germanic myth, the woods are filled with dwarves, elves, kobolds, and other long-lived peoples—relics of an older and more frightening era. Even modern inventions of folklore, like cryptids and the affectionately-named “creepypasta” have their roots in the faerie question—which is to say, “what if something magical and terrible lurked just out of view?”



Opus Faerie is a collection of fey for your Pathfinder Second Edition campaigns. The book focuses particularly on stat blocks and magic items, giving Game Masters plenty of ready-to-use tools and inspirations for fey-centric adventures.


Opus Faerie (PF2): A Collection of Fey Creatures and Magic Items is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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