Make your story your own!
No two heroes are alike, and with Archetypes+, a massive supplement with 300+ Feats, you can expand your world of adventure like never before. Delve deep into dungeons to fight terrible foes, battle with new skills and abilities from beyond our realm, or sell some items for a bargain price. The choice is yours! Archetypes+ both expands archetypes with few feats, adds incredible flavour to ones with great mechanics but no real stories, and adds several brand new archetypes to play with!
Enter the world of Archetypes+ as a…
- Assassin, poised to take out their mark in terrible precision with new mortis actions
- Bastion, with a shield to block even the greatest damage and control the flow of battle
- Beast Gunner, with unique ways to hunt your prey and turn them into your weapons
- Bullet Dancer, more ready to blend firearms and martial arts than ever before… and introducing the Monastic Fusalier class archetype, to give monks greater reaches to their study
- Cathartic Mage, brimming with new ways to let your emotions out
- Chronoskimmer or Time Mage, unlocking incredible powers like the gift of time travel itself!
- Elementalist, with a control over the elements unrivaled by mere druids or wizards
- Firework Technician, with spicy new toys to make go BOOM!
- Geomancer, with unparalleled control over the natural world around them
- Gladiator, making a true spectacle of beating your foes to a pulp
- Herbalist, with an understanding of the power of gardening that outshines even the keenest alchemist or druid

- Horizon Walker, keenly aware of the paths they walk and uniquely adapted to overcome the wilds
- Marshal, leading allies into battle with henceforth unseen bravery and tactical genius
- Medic, healing the weak with new treatments and skills that revolutionize the flow of combat
- Pirate, truly shivering timbers with bucaneering signatures like parrot familiars, sea shanties and lots and lots of treasure!
- Scroll Trickster, looking beyond traditions to harness magic and create weapons and armor made of enchanted scrolls
- Scrounger, wielding junk-tools so unpredictable and powerful that all who see them shiver
- Soul Forger, using your own soul as a weapon and pushing it to the limit with new soulstrain actions
- Viking, empowered by classic viking tropes to bring your raiding and pillaging to the next level
- Wellspring Mage, now including the long sought after d100 Wellspring Surge roll table as you allow chaos to overwhelm you

And now introducing brand new archetypes to level up your game! Enter the world of a…
- Clown, jingling around the battlefield with jokes and tricks to baffle opponents utterly
- Eldritch Artist, painting a world of the unknown with the power of supernatural pigments and colours
- Merchant, selling wares and gathering treasure to become among the most famed shopkeepers in the land
- Perfumist, mesmerizing your allies and enemies alike with olfactory alchemy that scrambles the mind
- Wandering Spider, travelling the world of dreams and weaving webs between the clouds of unconsciousness
With illustrations for every single archetype with ancestries ranging from automaton to witchwyrd, Archetypes+ is your one-stop shop for the world of Archetypes. Choose your path with the first ever Core+ book and become the stuff of legends today!
Archetypes+ is available now at DriveThruRPG