She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd. Now Available in Print.

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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd


Re-imagined NPCs, backstories, and concepts for your Curse of Strahd campaign!


( From the author’s info )

When I first picked up Curse of Strahd, I wondered how exciting it might be if this Count were instead a Countess. Here is the visual culmination of what’s been swirling around in my mind and at my tables.


This guide is a reference to the NPCs of Curse of Strahd. You’ll find that each character has helpful descriptions, connections, and suggestions for roleplay. I’ve included story changes and alternate encounters as well. Not every NPC has been gender-bent, but many have. Some characters simply swapped backstories or societal roles. While I market this as “A Genderbent Curse of Strahd,” it’s a bit more than that. There are changes to how horror gets depicted, and there are alternatives to the characters centered around racial slurs and ableist language.



Maybe you’d like to see more women represented as more than just desired objects or hags? Perhaps you’d like to play a classic Dracula story with less targeted sexual violence? We can have TTRPG horror without the repeated use of prominent real-life horror. After all, as my good friend Casual Campbell states, “Vampires should understand consent better than any monster. They literally have to ask for permission to enter a home.


What you’ll find in this 157-page, full color guide: 

My playtested changes to Strahd’s backstory

New story concepts

Over 85 NPC descriptions

Digital NPC portrait tokens

And more!


She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd is available now in hardcover print at Dungeon Masters Guild


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One Reply to “She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd. Now Available in Print.”

  1. But do vampires ask your consent when they rip your throat out and leave your lifeless corpse lying there? What im trying to say, is its meant to be horror. That is the whole point of the adventure.
    But well done anyway, you must have put an amazing amount of work into it.

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