Phantom-88: 160 Ton Adventure Class Starship


This product offers Travellers two class variants for the notorious Phantom-88 starship. Including statistical profiles, and deckplans for both the Marauder, and Prospector variants.


Phantom-88 Overview
The Phantom-88 was initially designed to equip corporate governments with an affordable, yet highly armored attack ship. Renowned for its streamlined hull, forward reaching jump-drive and robust construction, the Phantom-88 was built to execute a wide range of military operations, from picketing duty to full-scale assault. As the original military models aged out of service, they found new life in the civilian sector, becoming a staple among freebooters, scouts, and industrial terraformers.


Marauder Class
The Marauder class offers the original configuration of the Phantom-88. Boasting a highly armored design, capable of withstand the rigors of space combat. Equipped with a powerful manoeuvre drive, the Marauder is adept at engaging enemies head-on and executing complex boarding actions. Its streamlined design make it a formidable opponent in battle, capable of striking swiftly, leaving an enemy awe-struck. The Marauder’s robust powerplant allows it to punch well above its weight class, making it a prized asset for any planetary or corporate defence force.



Prospector Class
Six years after its initial release, the Prospector class was launched to cater to the demands of deep-space exploration and resource acquisition. The Prospector features enhanced jump capabilities, enabling it to venture deeper into uncharted territory. The Prospector includes a modular space designed to carry essential supplies to remote worlds were a basecamp can be established, and the container used to transport mined ore back to civilized space. The Prospector’s versatility and range make it an ideal choice for those looking to stake a claim in the vast unexplored reaches of the galaxy.


Phantom-88: 160 Ton Adventure Class Starship is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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