Portal to Andror, Adventure 5-Pack


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The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..


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This adventure pack is your Portal to Andror. Based in the portal nexus city of Aiunteth, it contains five full­-length adventures to launch your campaign. The adventures are designed to take your party of four from Level 1 to Level 3 while introducing them to the unique politics, creatures, ancestries, and world of the Andror Campaign Setting (ACS). The adventures take place in the city of Aiunteth, its surroundings, and through the portal network. They contain a mix of social, political, exploration, and dungeon delving.


Portal to Andror is an Andror Campaign Setting 5×5 adventure format. It’s a sandbox that can be run in any order. Each of the five (5) adventures overlap or connect to each other in subtle or overt ways to contribute to an overarching plot. They are designed to feel natural and self-­contained, so it won’t always be obvious. Over time, however, these interconnected adventures reveal pieces of the greater events unfolding across the world.



The adventure pack contains (6) six premium tactical maps, over two dozen new monsters and traps, over two dozen new items and magic items, (4) four animated NPC videos, and the notes GMs need to run it all true to how the author would.

(5) five full adventures

(6) six premium tactical maps (download included)

Over two dozen new monsters and traps

Over two dozen new items and magic items

(5) five videos of animated NPCs (download included)

GM notes and sidebars to help you run efficiently


Portal to Andror, Adventure 5-Pack is available now here at DriveThruRPG


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