Welcome to the latest ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’, the opportunity to share something in the world of Pop Culture (usually, but not exclusively RPG-related). This week’s choice falls outside of the RPG universe (even though it can be found on the worlds finest depository of online RPG resources), but it caught my eye in particular as it’s a book that deals with a subject that has been close to my heart since I was knee high to a Grasshopper……. Sci-fi movies.
And while the ’5D Pop Culture Website Pick Of The Week Award’ may not be; a) The most prestigious award in the TTRPG community, or b) A snappy, concise award title – well, it will be something we take rather seriously at 5DHQ as we fastidiously wade through the plethora of weekly releases.
And while there may be no review, or even more importantly, no prize, there is the knowledge that the winner has our undying love and adoration…..though not in a creepy way, obviously.
Science fiction movies are weird and well after more than a century, as they time-travel beyond all genre cliches. Sci-Fi movies aren’t afraid to be more thought-provoking, more experimental, more adventurous, more…subversive.
Subversive Sci-Fi : Reflections on Futuristic Films That Broke the Rules salutes movies and movie-makers who forever changed the way speculative flicks were made, viewed, marketed, released, and merchandised. Within its Atom Age pages, Subversive Sci-Fi presents an eclectic mix of today’s most talented scribes sharing their humor and insights about their favorite groundbreaking films. Readers will see the classics in all new ways, and find some new spaced-out thrills to buy, rent, or stream.
See the list below for the list of authors and their choice of Sci-Fi feature below.
Subversive Sci-Fi is newly available in print (as well well as previous PDF form) & can be accessed here at the link for DriveThruRPG
More from Fainting Goat Games at their DriveThruRPG link
List of Authors and Their Topic Film
Simon Bacon: Lifeforce (1985)
Alex Bledsoe: Eolomea (1972)
Bill Bodden: Brazil (1985)
Richard Dansky: Zardoz (1974)
Matthew Dawkins: Flash Gordon (1980)
Lynn Firestone: Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Kenneth Hite: Forbidden Planet (1956)
Kristen Hutchinson: Advantageous (2015)
Seth Johnson: Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future (1985)
Spike Jones: Silent Running (1972)
Jaye Kovach: The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)
David Larkins: Metropolis (1927)
Murray Leeder: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)
James Lowder: Miracle Mile (1988)
Darren Watts: Liquid Sky (1982)
Eddy Webb: Blade Runner (1982)
Nicole Winchester: Deep Impact (1998)
Colm Lundberg: The Matrix (1999)
Steven Marsh: The Game (1997)
Chloe Maveal: Tank Girl (1995)
Prof. Christopher McGlothlin: Punishment Park (1971)
Cynthia Celeste Miller: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Justin Mohareb: Logan’s Run (1976)
Lisa Morton: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
Debaditya Mukhopadhyay: Cargo (2019)
Ethan Parker: RoboCop (1987)
John Polojac: Fantastic Planet (La Planète sauvage, 1973)
Ade Smith: The Fifth Element (1997)
Lucien Soulban: The Andromeda Strain (1971)
Alexander Thomas: Triangle (2009)
Robert J. Toth: Rollerball (1975)
Jason Walters: Blood Machines (2020)
Shannon Watkins: The Fly (1986)
Mike Weatherford: Conquest of Planet of the Apes
Melissa F Olson: Colossal