Support Graveyards of Arkham and Receive Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Rewards!

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Graveyards of Arkham—the next in the blockbuster Call of Cthulhu Actual Play series—successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2 hours. It’s not too late to back this project and receive Call of Cthulhu rewards!


Many of the backer levels include a different mix of Call of Cthulhu books, props, and exclusives like getting your name on a grave in Old Arkham Cemetery!


They are very close to our first stretch goal of $30,000—Becca Scott joining the Graveyards of Arkham cast as a guest NPC! Changing your backer level, choosing some add-ons, or backing for the first time will help get us all to this new goal!



If you generously back Graveyards of Arkham at its top $4,000 tier, you and a group of your friends (who of course you can split the cost with!), will enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime roleplaying experience—playing with the incomparable Mark Meer as your Keeper!


Mark says the players in his game can expect:

A theatrical, interactive experience with plenty of opportunity for role-playing

Challenges, both physical and intellectual.

Bone-chilling eldritch atmosphere.

Fully realized NPCs (some of whom will be portrayed by Bookshops/Graveyards of Arkham writers Belinda Cornish and Darren Ormandy!)

Your favourite Call of Cthulhu session on the Citadel!


You and your friends can experience this super-special game of Call of Cthulhu by backing Graveyards of Arkham at the super-limited $4,000 tier!

Until then, wherever you are, do your best to sleep soundly…
