Full Disclosure: Nor I, or anyone else affiliated with the 5D Pop Culture Website have received any free content, payment or other forms of renumeration from the creators of the subject of this press release. The content below is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..
In the grand tapestry of D&D, there are few locales as perplexing and uncharted as the enigmatic Astral Plane. Our seasoned adventurer is thrilled to present a rip-roaring astral escapade, a veritable rollercoaster ride through the stars. There are new rules for tussles and wanderings in this mind-bending realm and a treasure trove of resources to whip up your very own Astral Plane adventures.
Their claim to fame? Unforgettable encounters, folks. Each one’s got a fresh monster with some tricks up its spectral sleeve, tactics that’ll make your head spin faster than a plane-hopping wizard, and battle maps that are quirkier than a gelatinous cube trying to square dance. You’ll even find surprise elements that’ll have you scratching your head until you’re bald as a beholder.
Now, don’t think this Tales from the Astral Plane is some cosmic one-night stand. It’s a versatile companion, just waiting to slide into your existing campaign like a ninja in the night. They’ll even show you how to snug it into our Dawn of the Necromancer campaign, and if that’s not your cup of eldritch tea, you can dismantle this adventure like a Lego castle and sprinkle its encounters throughout your campaign, turning it into a stellar book of random astral happenings.
And if you’re looking for a home base as welcoming as a tavern in Waterdeep, meet Elysia, the Astraloid with enough NPCs and spots to hang your cosmic hat on for endless adventures.

This mind-boggler of an adventure takes your heroes from 3rd level to 5th, that sweet spot where they’ve got spells and gadgets that can accidentally teleport them to the Astral Plane, but no express ticket back home. It’s like the ultimate cosmic “oops” moment. Plus, did I mention there’s a planar adventure that kicks off at 5th level? Fate’s a funny thing.
Oh, and about the setting, it’s agnostic, meaning it’s all about the Astral Plane itself. So go ahead, dive in, and may your dice roll true in this wild, wacky world beyond the stars!
This book also provides extensive rules for living and adventuring on the Astral Plane, including over 45 encyclopedic entries on topics such as:
Spellcasting—Which spells work the same and which function differently?
Combat—How does the lack of gravity effect every aspect of combat? How does stealth work?
Physics—How do liquids behave? What about fire? How does the environment differ from outer space?
Magic Items—Do some magic items have different characteristics on the Astral Plane? Do some items fail to work altogether?
Physiology—How do creatures travel? Is respiration still a thing? What are the implications of the lack of aging? Does healing work the same way?
Origin of the plane—Why is the Astral Plane the way it is?
Tales from the Astral Plane is available now here at DriveThrRPG
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