I’m still buzzing from the rather excellent Skype chat I had with director Tony Wash earlier this week. Tony talked about some of our movie inspirations as we realised we have a shared love of the horror master himself, John Carpenter. Tony and I proceeded to chat about his four feature films including; It’s my party and I’ll die if I want to, which featured the legendary genre icon, Tom Savini, as well as ‘High on the Hog’ which featured the equally legendary Sid Haig. If that wasn’t enough, there was lots of chat about Tony’s recent excellent films, The Rake & Skeletons in the Closet.
You can see the conversation on the 5D YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/07ShR4qS91Y
It’s been my good fortune to have been sent a couple of interesting short films. An old friend of 5D, Director Adam Spinks contacted us this week to see if we’d be interested in having a look-see at his newly released Sci-fi short film, Spaceman.
This slice of Sci-if is a delightful salute to youthful optimism and an endless sense of wonde
In the story, we see Myles, a young boy who in the face of planet wide catastrophe refuses to join the adult’s in accepting their fate. Instead he decides to persuade his family that their may well be an escape from destruction…… if only they will believe.
You can read the 5D Blog Article: Spaceman – A Sci-fi short from Adam Spinks and find out how you can see the film RIGHT HERE
The other short film I received was a yet unfinished horror film produced by students from Scotland’s Napier university. A ten minute horror/thriller graduation short film, Where It Dwells puts a twist on the terror of a home invasion.
Stalked by a malicious presence and her damning secret, Erin is forced to confront the reality of the traumatic events that take place in her home.
The team behind the film are very keen to push get a bit more exposure for their movie and crowdfunder in its last couple weeks. The film itself isn’t complete, the version I saw was a rough assembly. The film will be undergoing edit revisions this week, and music and sound will likewise be undergoing revisions as they are still in early drafting stages. This is what the crowdfunding is needed for.
You can find details of the Crowdfunding campaign at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/where-it-dwells-a-short-film–4
Finally, we are thrilled with the download numbers currently showing for the 5D Podcast! We would genuinely like to thank all those who have taken the time to listen to our ramblings and musings, we really would.
In the latest episode Stuart from 5D & Zack from 8fifty2.com talk about the new release of Captain Marvel images, Henry Cavill in The Witcher. We also discuss finishing the Jack Ryan series + share our thoughts on the MGK & Eminem spat!
If you want to comment or provide suggestions then do so via the contact page here on 5d-blog.com & we’ll feature them!
Listen at;
ITunes – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/5d-sci-fi-fantasy-horror/id1345044762?mt=2&i=1000419396228
YouTube – https://youtu.be/UZ76florm04
Tunein – http://tun.in/tiCprE
Talkshoe – https://www.talkshoe.com/episode/5160946