A brief update on our D & D progress.
So things have progressed on from those first hushed (probably drunk) mutterings of ‘Shall we set up a Dungeons & Dragons group?” of just a couple of weeks ago. In fact, things are beginning to get a little serious (in a fun ‘I don’t have a clue as yet what I will be doing’ sort of way) because we have just decided on a designated campaign day. Though be steady of heart and mistrust dear friend, because that’s not all…..we also have die (dice/die/dies??????????), we have handbooks, we have character sheets, we have pens – oh, and yes, the name …… we are The Black Table.

I would love to name the rest of the group who form The Black Table – however I’ve been sworn to secrecy by our Dungeon Master as certain issues such as an outstanding Home Bargains restraining order recipient, a high security prison escapee, recovering fetish clothes addict and a couple of semi-permanent drunks forming most of our membership.
So next on the list, after snacks & drinks responsibilities are sorted out, begins the task of the formation of our various characters. Now, I know what you are thinking, especially those of you who know me well. You’re thinking that if we choose characters resembling our own personality then mine are going to be rather damned obvious to say the least. So I’m going to have to be careful and not monopolise my own traits…….strong, resourceful, brave, fearless, athletic, intelligent, inspirational, warrior like – quite frankly the list could go on and on. To be honest, it’s going to be fun to take on characters with traits and skills the polar-opposite of mine…..you know, inferior. Though of course it all depends on the good graces and fevered imagination of our DM, who has already hinted about certain elements he’s sent our merry way that may hold some significance. I can tell he’s enjoying his role so far.
In all seriousness, it’s going to be a blast……… so watch this space.