138 System Agnostic Science Fiction d100 Random Tables plus a Star System Generator
The content of this book has been divided into eleven sections. Those sections are as follows: Adventure Ideas and Side Jobs, Encounters and Discoveries, Cargo Runs and Cargo, Items and Things, Vessels and Space Stations, Places and Planets, Activities and Reasons, Technobabble and Codes, Names, Fields of Study, and Star System Generator.
The purpose of this book is twofold. First, to help game masters cut down prep time with tables that can provide details quickly during game sessions. Second, this book is meant to be a resource that GMs can come back to for adventure ideas, names, and encounters over and over again.
Roughly 76 of these tables have appeared in The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction 1, The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction 2, and The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction 3. However, the tables have been re-edited, improved, and sometimes blended. On top of that, 62 tables have been added. Plus a simple star generator was also created.

The Great Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction is available now here at DriveThruRPG

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