Three New Campaign Supplements Released for Altered Carbon RPG

The human mind is nothing more than digital code –Digital Human Freight– saved and stored in a Cortical Stack, advanced technology that allows you to “re-sleeve” your entire consciousness into a new body.

In the official Altered Carbon role playing game based on the hit Netflix series, wear any body you can afford, transmit your mind across the cosmos in an instant, and, if you’ve got the credits and political cachet, re-sleeve time and again for centuries, accumulating enough wealth and power over the millennia to become the societal equivalent of an immortal god.

This week, the good folks at Hunters Entertainment released some rather tasty supplements……



Altered Carbon: Birmingham


Welcome to Central, the UN Protectorate’s name for the midsection of United Britain. The heart of this sprawling, messy, thriving, metropolis is the city of Birmingham, but Central is so much more. Having devoured surrounding cities like Nottingham and Leicester, the great urban sprawl engulfed Cambridge and its universities and swallowed up most of Wales. Birmingham still has pride of place: if you follow the threads of money and power in from the edges, they knot together in the hermetically sealed Hub where Birmingham city center used to stand and where Britain’s first Meth and her peers pass their infinite time.


“Birmingham” is divided into Insiders, who have the money and status to seal themselves away in The Hub, and Outsiders killing time as best they can in a city whose pleasures are only ever distractions from the grind of existence. As in other cities and states across the globe, the Protectorate provides a basic income, but it’s not enough to provide purpose. Central sells itself as a thriving center of industry, and the truth is it held out longer than most other places, especially after the Fall of London… but jobs for life — jobs at all, in most cases — are ancient history here, as they are elsewhere in the Protectorate.



Included inside the Campaign Supplement, you’ll find:

The history of Central through the centuries

Details on the districts, features, and landmarks that make up this sprawling metropolis

Organizations, groups, and key players that operate in Central

New options for player characters, including new and modified Traits plus three new Archetypes: Organizer, Sleuth, and Tough

Additional technology and gear for kitting out your characters in the world of Altered Carbon

Three playable scenarios that take place within the setting of Central

With the prize of immortality at your fingers, the question is, what price will you pay for it? What stories will you tell?

Your neon-drenched adventures await!

Altered Carbon: Birmingham can be found at the DriveThruRPG link Here




Altered Carbon: Johannesburg

South Africa. A land of promise. The Rainbow Nation. That’s what it was supposed to be. But throw people into any ideology, and what do you get? A one way ticket to disappointment, and a bucketful of broken dreams.


And then The Collapse came. An oversight and an economic failure killing more people in a single day than any war could. A Rainbow Nation turned dusty and bloody red. What had been South Africa owed the rest of the world way too much money to be left the way it was. The South of Africa needed to rise again… or at least be profitable.


Khumalo Bioware saw to that, envisioning a new way. A shining, silver city in their ancestral homeland. A beacon of hope, and industry in an otherwise mostly barren landscape. The new government lapped it up.


Now, New Jozi is an economic powerhouse. Setting the industry standard for sleeve production, and it’s innovations in terraforming tech. But, throw people into any ideology… and what do you get? What do you get?



Included inside the Campaign Supplement, you’ll find:

The history of New Jozi through the centuries

Details on the unique layout, landmarks, and notable locations that make up this sprawling metropolis

Organizations, groups, and key players that operate in New Jozi

New options for player characters, including new Traits plus three new Archetypes: Grond Gebore, Unity Citizen, and Golden Child

Additional technology and gear for kitting out your characters in the world of Altered Carbon

Three playable scenarios that take place within the setting of New Jozi

With the prize of immortality at your fingers, the question is, what price will you pay for it? What stories will you tell?

Your neon-drenched adventures await!


Altered Carbon: Johannesburg can be found at the DriveThruRPG link here





Altered Carbon: Osaka

To understand what will be, you must first understand what has gone before. Japan is and was a country rich in tradition and heritage, both of which they have fought tirelessly to preserve. Much of what you may know about Japan as a culture is still relevant, but has, as things are wont to do, evolved. This is the future, after all, and in one of the most technologically advanced societies on the planet, even the worst has not managed to subdue them.


While many of its coastal cities have fallen to ruin due to a myriad of natural disasters, one shining jewel still stands. Tucked into a southern bay, Osaka, in some places not erroneously referred to as “New Venice”, stands as a testament to the iron will of the Japanese.

It has not been without cost.



Included inside the Campaign Supplement, you’ll find:

The history of Osaka through the centuries

Details on the districts and places of interest that make up this sprawling metropolis

Organizations, groups, and key players that operate in Osaka

New options for player characters, including three new Traits plus two new Archetypes: Stack Jumper, SPA Survivor

Additional technology and gear for kitting out your characters in the world of Altered Carbon

Three playable scenarios that take place within the setting of Osaka

With the prize of immortality at your fingers, the question is, what price will you pay for it? What stories will you tell?

Your neon-drenched adventures await!


Altered Carbon: Osaka is available at the DriveThruRPG link here


The Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game – Core Rules book is available here
