
SideQuests are a collection of short adventures designed for Fifth Edition. These one-shot style campaigns are designed to be compelling standalone stories that can be implemented, played through, and completed in just a few sessions. Whether you’re using them as a filler adventure between major story arcs, as a continuation of your own adventures, or just because you forgot to plan the session last Wednesday… SideQuests are an invaluable tool for any DM!
This digital PDF bundle constitutes the fourth collection of SideQuests adventures:
SideQuests: Banshee of Blustery Falls
SideQuests: Serpentfang Fortress
SideQuests: Mermaids of Azure Bay
SideQuests: Countdown To Execution
SideQuests: Cult of Boomy
A collection of hi-res Battlemaps is also included
SideQuests Vol. 9 – Easy Adventures For Fifth Edition is available at DriveThruRPG
