The 5e Tome of Spell Mastery: Over 400+ spells, 25+ spellcaster subclasses, and a multitude of tools to customize your world of magic!
Magic Is Heading in New Directions
“Magic is an essential part of most fantasy roleplaying games, for it comprises much of the ‘fantasy’ of the title. In these games, magic is as vital and fundamental as swords, elves, treasure, and dragons. Yet magic is an ever-changing force, and every campaign has the potential to create its own magical forces, powers, and plots.”
The Tome of Spell Mastery provides tools to tailor the forces of magic to your campaign to keep characters on their toes:
- The cartomancer: This new spellcasting class binds magic to a card deck and relies on the forces of luck and chance to gain each day’s complement of spells.
- New schools of wizardry: The cunning demonologist, the mysterious shadow caster, and more, plus a new take on the traditional necromancer.
- Cleric domains: You’ll find priests of time gods as well as clerics who follow serpents, gems, and even the bizarre and twisted realm of slimes and oozes.
- Bards, druids, and warlocks: New schools, circles, pacts, and patrons.
- Monster spells: A host of magic designed for the creatures in your campaign, though characters might use them … if they dare.

More than 400 New Spells
You’ll find spells for all classes and levels (and monsters), including:
- Burning Blood: An injured creature’s blood boils like acid.
- Devouring Void: Turn an other-dimensional space such as a bag of holding into an event horizon to draw in nearby creatures.
- Endless Gullet: This spell allows serpentfolk to unhinge their jaws to swallow creatures.
- Money Trader: What self-respecting dragon wants a hoard of copper coins? Now they can change them into gold of the same value.
- Mucus: A gob of phlegm fills a 20-foot cube. It’s as bad as it sounds.
- Raze Dead: Deal damage to the undead, but also burn their remains to ash when they are dead.
- Volcano: A 60-foot-tall volcanic cone suddenly appearing in the middle of a battlefield changes things, doesn’t it?
Tome of Spell Mastery is available now here at DriveThruRPG
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The content here is quite simply something in the world of TTRPG that caught our geeky eye and so we wanted to share with the community. If you love it, well, fab. If you don’t, well that’s your prerogative too…..