UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City Now Released

Old School RPGs - Available Now @ DriveThruRPG.com


Welcome to The Ultraviolet Grasslands, the roleplaying game of heroes on a strange trip through mythic steppes in search of lost time, broken space, and deep riffs. Half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games.


The 2nd Edition is a director’s cut of the OG UVG
  • More art. Bigger art.
  • Expanded content from 200 pages to 252 pages.
  • Streamlined character rules for smoother gameplay.
  • Expanded caravan options, vehicles, and equipment to equip your party.
  • A brand-new bestiary section with a menagerie of friends and foes
  • Revamped spells for a simpler, weirder game.
  • A table of 50 adorable pets.
  • Revamped character and caravan sheets.
  • An expanded map featuring the whole Circle Sea region.
  • A revised oldtech referee screen.



Like the OG UVG, it covers
  • 32 ready-to-run destinations.
  • Scores of strange discoveries to season your world.
  • A few mini-adventures and the generative Near Moon dungeon.
  • Hundreds of color illustrations.
  • Weird factions, from sentient mind-controlling cats to many-bodied porcelain princes, and dozens of backgrounds for characters.
  • System-light and easily ported to the game system of your choice.
  • Equipment for the ultraviolet wastes.
  • Long-distance travel rules (now a little simpler!).
  • Caravan rules and unusual trade goods.
  • Spells, biomagical corruption, portal gates, and a ton of strange items.
  • History, climate, and discovery generators.


UVG 2E: Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is available now at DriveThruRPG

