Enter Devastated Lands Ruled by Chaos!
Venture beyond the civilized world into the howling badlands, where villainous cults do as they please and ancient constructs lie buried beneath the dust. Heroes brave enough to embrace arcane corruption can unearth great riches, forgotten magic, and powerful secrets—or a swift demise.
Wastes of Chaos for 5th Edition brings you everything you need to create hard-hitting adventures in ruined lands, including:
- Details on chaos magic, corrupted locales, fiendish cults, and ancient treasures
- 4 playable races and subraces, including automatons, dust goblins, and wasteland dragonborn
- 8 subclasses, such as the doombringer fighter, way of chaos monk, and the wasteland ranger
- 4 wasteland factions and their followers, including the Cult of the Black Goat and the Chaos Reavers
- Over 40 new creatures, including the eldritch horror and the chaos drake
- Plus full-color maps, new spells, magic items, and more!
Step into blighted lands that conceal forbidden knowledge yearning to be uncovered. . . .
Wastes of Chaos for 5th Edition is available now at DriveThruRPG
Confront Secrets Stirring in the Dust. . . . in Tales from the Waste
Enter devasted lands torn asunder by ghastly creatures and the forces of chaos. These wastes hide ancient treasures, potent magic, and abandoned cities waiting to be discovered—or refusing to stay buried. Tales from the Wastes brings you fast-paced 5th Edition adventures that expand on Wastes of Chaos in your game.
Inside this tome, find:
- 15 new single-session adventures, suitable for levels 1–20, playable separately or in sequence
- New environmental hazards to face, mysteries to unravel, and encounters with terrifying villains
- 15 full-page, full-color maps and dozens of illustrations
- Easy prep for your next game!
Enter the wastes and embrace full metal mayhem!
These adventures feature monsters from the core 5th Edition MM and from the Wastes of Chaos.
Tales from the Waste is available at DriveThruRPG